Chapter 1.

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He walked into the classroom, light brown hair, crystal blue eyes, white, shining smile and a cute button nose. I didn’t know him, but he was perfect and simply beautiful.

“Hello, my name is Miss. Nelson and I am your Australian History teacher for this semester. We have a new student this year, Kyle Hunt.” My teacher points to the new student, the perfect one.

He was sitting next to the girl I despise the most, Tayla Pon. Not only is she the I despise most, she is the most ignorant, selfish bitch you will ever come to know. She has spread so many rumours about me and my best friend Jayden so many times and I have already planned the perfect murder for her.

Jayden and I have been friends since August 2012. The first thing he said to me was ‘hello.’ None of my other friends like him because he smokes and sleeps with girls. He’s 15 and I’m 12. I was born on April the 13th 2000. In prep I was 5, everyone around me; all my friends were either 6 or 7. My cousin Jordan and Dylan were 5 like me. Dylan and Jordan were born 15 days exactly before me, they’re twins.

At the start of year 7 I just wanted to finish year 12 with no complications, move to New York City so I could go to NYU then move to Paris or Italy to become a chef, I’ve always wanted to be a chef.

“Hello Miss.” Kyle says to the teacher.

The rest of the class was really boring, we didn’t learn a thing because it was our first day back so we just talked about class rules and such. After the bell went for our next class I went to my locker.

I put in my code, 29-11-00 and opened my locker; I placed my books on the top shelf and grabbed my books for my next class, Science.

“Excuse me.” I hear a filmier male voice from behind me. I turn around to see Kyle waiting there with Tayla.

“Sorry.” I grabbed my books and locked my locker, I go to move but Tayla knocks me which causes my books to fall from my grip.

“Watch where you going, slut.” She laughs. I look over at Kyle who’s just standing there awkwardly. I pick up my books and head to class.

What a bitch! Seriously, who does she thinks she is? She has caused enough pain in my life already and I want her gone! I don’t care if I sound stubborn, selfish or bitchy. She doesn’t deserve to be happy y making others miserable. She’s a bully. She may be very pretty, skinny, let’s just say perfect but she won’t be happy when I’m done with her.

“Jenna!” Jayden, my best friend yells whilst running towards me. He gives me a bear hug and I hug him back just as tight. I haven’t seen him in so long and I missed him so much! We talked on face-book and video chatted over Skype but it wasn’t enough. I needed him with me; instead he went to London for 3 weeks with his cousin. But he needed the time away from this shitty town they call Melbourne.

“Jayden! Oh my god, I missed you so much!” I yell while hugging him.

“I missed you too! You’ve grown.” We pull out of the hug and he taps me on the head.

“Only a bit. I’m still shorter then you.”

“You’ll never be taller.” Jayden’s really tall and I’m really small, but then again, he’s older than me by 3 years.

“Unless I squish you.” I smirk up at him and he laughs.

“Okay, leprechaun.” We both laugh. “So how’s the first day back been going so far?” Jayden asks.

“New kid in my Australian History class and Tayla’s a bitch.” I reply. The bell rings which means I’m late for class. “Walk me to class?” I smile at Jayden.

14 and Pregnant.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz