Chapter 2.

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Sorry it's been such a long wait. This is probably my favourite one i'm doing and I might delete HighSchool Days, i'm not really into it anymore.

14 and Pregnant.

Chapter 2.

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing repeatedly. It's 3 am why is someone calling me now?

"Hello?" I groan into the phone.

"Jenna?" A guy asks.

"Uh, yeah. Who is this?" I ask yawning.

"Kyle. Look, i'm really sorry-" Kyle? Who does he think he is calling me at 3 in the morning. No mate, that's not acceptable. Hanging up on him I placed my phone on the charger and changed out of my school dress, I must've been really tired. I never fall asleep in my school clothes.

Grabbing out my long top, I take off my dress, not bothering about my bra. I usually sleep in it anyway.

Putting on my top I hear someone knock on my window. What the actual fuck is going on?

Look through my curtain I see Kyle standing there shivering. If he wasn't such a dick to me yesterday i'd invite him in.

Closing the curtain I walk out the backdoor.

"What?" I ask, annoyed with the fact this is the 100th time his pissed me off in two days.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"Depends. Are you gonna be an ass?" I ask him, still pissed.

"No. I just wanna talk." He says, shivering. I move out of the way so he can come through "thank you." He says walking in.

"What?" I whisper knowing if I talk to loud mum or dad will hear me.

"I'm sorry for yesterday. I didn't know that Tayla started all that stuff." He says as I start walking to my bedroom.

"Are you actually sorry or is this another one of Taylas schemes." I say, sitting on my bed watching every move he makes "you can sit down." I say watching him as he sits down on the end of my bed. Placing my fluffy blanket over my cold legs.

"I'm actually sorry. I honestly didn't know about Tayla at all. I knew she was a bitch." Got that right "but I didn't know she would start rumours about someone so innocent."

"She changed my life."

"How so?"

"I was so good at school, going to every class, doing my work, homework everything. Once that rumour started everyone just started talking about me. My friends ditched me for her and I had no friends. I started hanging out with the wrong people because they liked me after they heard about the rumour. No one believed me, not even my parents. And now the only person I have and actually like is Jayden." I say, not realising how close Kyle was to me.

He wiped my tears from cheeks. No ones ever done that.

"Don't you like me?" He laughs, lightening the mood.

"I didn't." I smile at him, getting the gesture back.

"Hey, i'll get going. You get some sleep, i'll see you tomorrow." He says, standing up.

"Stay?" I whisper.

"Pardon?" He asks a smile growing on his face. He so heard me.

"Get in the bed." I laugh and lay down. Feeling as the spot next to me was no longer empty, his arms wrapping around my waist.

"I'm sorry." He whispers, kissing me on the cheek.

The first night in a long time I felt safe, cared for and loved. I know he didn't love me, but the way his arms were wrapped around me so secure and tight, I loved the feeling and didn't want to let it just disappear. Closing my eyes I let my sleep take over me.


Waking up to the sound of my alarm going off was the worst way to wake up. I mean, breakfast in bed would have been nice.

I turn off my alarm and go to get up completely forgetting Kyle was here still cuddled up to me, slowly unwrapping his arms and placing a pillow there I walked of and headed for the shower.

After my shower I got dressed and did my makeup, usual routine.

"Kyle. Kyle!" I yell laughing at him as he shot up.

"Come back to bed." He mumbles laying back down.

"No, we have school and i'm already dressed."

"So what. Get undressed and stay here with me." I guess another day of no school couldn't hurt. Well, it could in my grades but right now i'm tired and don't care.

Grabbing out my phone I text mum and Jayden.

Mum, Jayden: hey, i'm feeling a bit sick today so i'm gonna stay home. x

After clicking send I walk to the bathroom getting out of my uniform and putting a top over.

Feeling a bit peckish I quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed a banana heading back to my room.

"I told mum I felt sick." I say while putting the banana peeling in the a plastic bag in my sisters room which in right next door.

"Okay, come back alre- your not wearing pants." Kyle mumbles.

"Nope." I smile and snuggle up to him, appreciating the warmth thats radiating off of his body.

"Were you wearing pants last night?"

"Nah." I laugh.

"Uh. Lets watch a movie." He says.

"Sure which movie?"

"Got any scary movies?" Oh boy do I. Scary movies are the best unless it's a remake. I hate remakes. I mean Carrie the original wasn't really normal but ever since the remake I just can't handle it "have you got The Conjuring? I haven't seen it."

Ugh of course he chooses the one with the fucked up doll. Creepy thing.

I went and saw The Conjuring at the movies with my sister and after that I had to get rid of my doll that I had since I was born.

"Yeah." I say and grab my laptop thats next to my bed.


"Gabbi, wake up." I hear a voice say. Slowly opening my eyes i see Kyle sitting on top of me.

"Hi." I mumble "whats the time?" I ask.

"2:32." 2? I wasn't even tired.

"What did you do while I was asleep?"

"I watched The Conjuring, Frozen, The Muppets and Evil Dead." He says smiling, proud of his choice of movies. They're alright.

"Have you eaten?" I ask.

"No." He says putting his head down. He slowly gets off of me and sits down next to me.

Getting up I walk to the kitchen, grabbing put bacon, eggs, sausages, tomato and cheese from the fridge.

Frying everything I grab out some bread and place it on the plates I got out. I feel like an egg and bacon sandwich.

Handing Kyle a plate with an egg and bacon sandwich which may I add was made to perfection. Master chef quality.

"Thank you." Kyle smiles, basically drooling.

"Anytime." I smile and sit down next to him "what do you wanna watch."

"I know this is probably weird, but can we watch ice age?" Pissing out laughing I reply with a sure and put it on. This kid is so childish it's not even funny. Actually, it is..


Hey guys! Mum bought me an ipad so I finally got this chapter up. I don't know why it wouldn't work on my computer!:( hope you like this one, sorry it's short and shitty. Writers block 😩

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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