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The first rains of spring came hard on the hill side.  The storms shattered though the country side with a vengeance.  It was as if the sky's knew the injustice that had taken place in Sam's world.  He had been robbed of his happiness from a cruel world that seemed to follow him like a dark shadow.  His father who had been so loving to everyone and always so kind was taken from the world in a flash of anger by someone he did not even know.  From all accounts reporting Henry was on his way to his car in the garage at the office late at night when he encountered a man in black who attempted to rob him.  When the situation turned south Henry was removed from the equation.  Some believed it was an inside job, someone out to get him.  Perhaps someone he had done wrong.  Sam knew better than this as his father was always the one to do anything he could to do right.Jacqueline had withdrawn herself to her room in the home, for the first few days after the funeral.  She remained silent and unspoken to anyone in the house.  Sam would walk down to the grave site that was just down the road despite the rain daily, just to talk to his father and mother.  The loss of both of them was hard on him, and he was at a loss for what to do or say.  His father was his main support, his guiding hand his entire life.  To have lost him now when he needed him was difficult.

As Sam sat talking to his father, the rain pouring down on him from the dark sky above.  His hoodie had become soaked with rain, his hair matted down to his forehead.  He did not mind the rain as it helped to hide the tears that he had cried out almost the entire visit.  This visit he would soon not be alone. Jacqueline's car pulled up and she stepped out popping up her black umbrella.  She walked quietly up behind him and stood a moment listening to him talk on about how much he missed Henry.  "Samuel.  It is cold and pouring rain out here.  You need to come home."  She said with less of tone of concern but more of one of demand.  "I'll be OK Jacqueline." Sam replied coldly.  "Samuel, the man that killed your father.  He hasn't been found yet.  We don't know if he is out to kill you as well, or me for that matter.  It isn't safe out here."  She said again with more demand than concern.  Sam stood from his kneeling position and turned to look at her.  Her lips pursed together as to show she was serious about her statements.  "Jacqueline, I really do not care.  No offence but I am an adult.  I just lost my father, and you really don't have much place to tell me what to do."  Sam snapped back at her standing up and walking away.  "Samuel.  Come back please." Jacqueline spoke out at him as he walked past the iron gates an down the road.  "Silly boy, has his fathers stubborn streak."  She spoke aloud to herself.  She stood there a moment in the rain looking down at Henry's grave.  The flowers bending under the weight of the rain hitting them.  "I can't believe you didn't shoot him when you had the chance." Jacqueline called out across the small wooded graveyard.   A man slowly stepped out from behind the tree in a black leather jacket.  His hair was pulled back in a knot on the back of his head.  "I couldn't get a clear shot without hitting you in the process." He spoke walking up to her.  She turned to face him as he walked up to her wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her.  "No, stop.  You don't deserve my love."  She said to him pushing him back.  "Jacqueline, you know I love you.  I would do anything for you.  Hell, I killed your husband for you so we could be together."  He spoke with passion to her.  "Trevor, you idiot I wanted him dead."  She told him turning her head away from him.  "Jacqueline, don't be that way baby.  We will get him.  Then you will have his money, and your son's will have the business and you and I can be together."  Trevor spoke with confidence as he walked around and stood in front of her again.  "Trevor baby, you are nearly fifteen years younger than me are you sure you want to marry a person like me, at my age?" She questioned him.  "God yes I do.  Plus I think someone likes the sex.  Last night when I slipped in the house and..."  He was talking but she cut him off by placing her finger on his lips.  "Now, let's make this happen then.  I will even make it easy for you.  I will go home and take the boys out for dinner, give that loyal maid the night off and leave that boy home alone.  You just break in, abduct him and kill him.  Just hide the body where every you like.  Drop it in the Florida everglades for all I care.  I want him to never be found."  She said turning to walk to the car.  "He is so moody right now, so heart broken.  One might even say suicidal.  So when his body vanishes, and there happens to be a note found." Jacqueline explained walking to the car slowly.  "I will do it.  I will be there tonight."  Trevor jumped to respond.  "Good, when I return home from dinner I want a note and no body."  She said sliding into the black car. "Oh and when you kill him, bring back that necklace he always wears.  I want a trophy of our victory."  She finished closing the door starting the car.  

Just as she had planned she sent Clara home early for the evening.  "Samuel." She said knocking on he door to his room.  "What?" He replied sharply.  "I am taking the boys to get dinner, you want anything?" She asked though the door.  Sam sat quiet a moment. "No thank you."  He replied.  "OK if you need anything or change your mind call me."  She told him walking away from the door.  

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