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The crowd clapped in celebration as the speaker stepped down from the make shift stage in front of the building.  "Now to dedicate the building Mr. Thomas Grader."  the man announced as Thomas made his way to the microphone.  "Good afternoon everyone."  Thomas spoke with joy.  "It is my honor to be here and to be apart of something so amazing.  This place behind me known as the Sanctuary is the reincarnation of what once was.  It is a place for those who are lost, alone, abandoned and need someone to call family.  Just a few years ago I had the chance to get to share my home, the first Sanctuary with an incredible man.  One who  gave only love and haplessness to the world despite the challenges that he faced.  When he needed a place to call home, I opened my heart and arms to him and so did everyone else in the home.  Today we are here to dedicate this new place, this safe place for our LGBT youth.  Those who need just that a safe place.  Inside will house displaced youth, provide counseling and job assistance.  In hopes we can build a stronger community and one that will be accepting no matter what.  So today I dedicate this building in honor of the young man who came into my life and changed who I was and who I became.  I dedicate this to my late husband."  Thomas spoke his voice cracking.  "What made you change your mind?"  Christian spoke turning to Sam sitting beside him holding his hand.  "I don't need a building named after me.  Thomas and husband deserve the honor for it, I am just glad I could donate the money to help build it and make it a reality."  Sam explained smiling glancing over at Christian.  

"And finally we want to bring to stage the man who made this all possible, Mr. Samuel White-King."  The announcer proclaimed.  Sam walked up the stairs and stood before everyone below.  Cason and Sasha in the front row.  Christian sitting smiling up at Sam with such pride.  "Life is like a fairy tale in many ways.  Sometimes we win, but it is not without it's villains.  When it comes to our youth of the community the villains are sometimes the people we love and trusted.  Together we can help change the outcome for those affected, those hurt, and those who were left to be forgotten.  Just like a fairy tale overcoming that is what makes us who we are, and who we will be.  So today with this new place, this safe place let us all rise up, let us all get that happy ending we all deserve, and tell those villains in our lives today they do not win"        

Sam White . . . 

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