Bleachers Apperance

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I never end up doing P.E since well who likes gym? So instead I have softball practice last period I mean it's a way to get P.E marks without needed to go to gym even when your captain and pitcher!.

"STRIKE 2!!"

I rolled my eyes not needing to know how many strikes and the fact that the batter would already be out, I'm not cocky but if your the pitcher and captain shouldn't that mean your good? No? Whatever.

I line the ball to the back catcher's
mitten before letting it go and having it go straight forward into the mitten after the batter swung and missed.


I walked to the benches while everyone else jogged since after that practice was pretty much over, I pull my mitten off getting a few claps, but it was nothing new if anything it got boring once in a while despite being into softball since I was a little girl.

"Great job girls! Now in two days we need to get to Toronto for our tournament thanks to May and of course Ava" our coach Mr. Gunter pointed to me before continuing "We made it to the Semifinals now if we do good on these 4 games and everyone shows UP! We can make it to the finals and possibly win the whole tournament"

It didn't faze me we won 2 times and if we won this time it would be 3, everyone handed in there forms saying that they will show up so of course everyone will show up that's just how this team works.

"Now hands in!" He yelled making the team form into a circle putting our hands in the middle "For the tournament, for the Semifinals and of course for our practices. On 4"


I than glanced over at the bleachers waiting for the 4 to come and I swore I seen her there sitting on the bottom of the bleachers shoes pressed against the newly cut grass with her mouth holding a lit cigarette and her hands wrapped around her arms as she literally stares at me, I just glanced at her before shaking me head hoping it was just my mind and turned to the team as we finally cheered all together.


I raise my hand up in the air along with everyone else as I mutter those 2 words.

I turn to the benches to grab my bag along with everyone else and chatter filled my ears along with bags sliding of the bench as I pick mine up so I didn't seem lazy despite being tired as hell.

I swung it onto my shoulder only to than feel a hand on the same shoulder where my bag was placed, I jumped slightly earning a chuckle.

'God I'm making everyone laugh ain't I?' I thought looking up to seeing the tallest team member looking at me with a small smile.

"Good practice right?"

"Yeah like always" I plastered a fake smile as I responded to this girl, I rarely talk to any of my team members as I decided not only do they somewhat waste my time that I prefer keeping to myself and not having a giant's hand popping my personal bubble.

"She a friend?" the same girl pointed towards the bleachers and all the hair on my neck stood up knowing instantly that I wasn't seeing things, I turn to where she was pointing seeing the white mystery of a girl rubbing her burnt out cigarette on the bleacher behind her before puffing out the remainders of the smoke.

"Um no, probably another team member or the coaches daughter" I shrug making her nod. The coach did have a daughter and he loved talking about her as much as possible, apparently she's now a cop with millions of boyfriends.

"Good point, I just wanted to ask since she has been staring at you for most of this practice" she takes her hand away and the one fake smile that was plastered on my sweaty face fell.

"Maybe she's into you" another voice chimed in and I seen it was a shorter girl with short black hair and non-matching brown eyebrows.

I fake a chuckle and forced another smile out of me.

"Ha. Ha maybe she is, but I'm not looking for a lover"

"To bad she's cute" she shrugged before pulling the taller girl's hand away from me as most people where filing out.

I cleared my throat to no one before walking to where the sidewalk by my house was, my house wasn't far two streets away at most and all I wanted to do was just leave at this point.

"Let's go Knights let's go, let's go Knights let's go" I heard a mumble as I walked past the bleachers where the white haired kiwi skinned girl was standing up, she clapped her hands as she chanted walking the opposite direction as me.

'No let's not go Knights' I thought if anything that chant official creeped me out and I don't think I will ever cheer with my team the same way as before.

But of course what I didn't know was that I probably wouldn't be cheering it every again. Or showing up to school for the tournament.
YAY new chapter!!

Q:Thoughts on the mystery girl?

A: She's not attended to be creepy but she is attended to weird Ava out.

Don't worry this story will pick up very soon❤️.


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