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Mick and Stacey's wedding was truly the sweetest thing I've ever seen. They wrote their own vows and when Mick slipped the ring onto Stacey's finger I cried tears of joy for them. After the ceremony we all got pretty drunk as usual with Slipknot and pals when everyone gets together. They celebrated a short honeymoon immediately afterwards and I spent two days locked in my house alone as I edited all the photos and put together thank you notes along with editing the story that RR sent me.

 They celebrated a short honeymoon immediately afterwards and I spent two days locked in my house alone as I edited all the photos and put together thank you notes along with editing the story that RR sent me

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4 weeks later

We were all going out tonight to enjoy our last night before the tour for Volume 3: The Subliminal Verses starts. Jim and I have been 'dating' for a little over a month even though we really never said anything official. Things sort of just fell into place. Sid got back with his girlfriend a week ago and we were all back to normal as it would seem.

I was supposed to play a gig tonight at this club. Roadrunner Records called me right after the wedding, saying a few members of other bands wanted to get together and write some shit. I agreed and now here we are. "Good luck babe." Jim said, kissing my cheek. I gave him devil horns and grabbed my electric guitar.

Walking out onto the stage, I saw a crowd of a little over 100 people. Of course they were here for the club but the pressure was still there. I wrote all of the lyrics for the songs even though a couple other members threw in some stuff, too. We all took parts in writing the music – over all it had a really dark and evil feel to it which I loved. Clearly...

I took in a deep breath and once we all decided we were ready, we started. "Good evening. So I and a few other mates from various bands decided to experiment with some shit and you all get to hear it first. This song is called Breaking The Same Old Ground."

And then I found how to be what you want, when I was out looking for something new. Digging too deep, and now it's too late. We just keep on breaking the same old ground. So you think that I asked for this? Well, let me show you what I think of your lips. And you think that I asked for this. Come on, use your fist. I am owned by death and I'm in love with oblivion...

The crowd seemed to have a very positive response but I kept my composure and launched to the next song.

I could look into the crowded morgue of mistakes. The sun stopped its smile, and it frowned on me too. My re-built/re-mastered heart is smashed into its faces. And its face is confused. I cut my throat in two. I said 'sorry' to you, for being a fool, but I didn't want forgiveness. It was regret, not an apology. It was regret. Disengaged. You're with me, against me. But the only thing forever is hate. I forget what I saw before and after that day. I'd trade all I was worth to make myself into the prettiest gun, and put the diamond bullet into your 404 ERROR face. And I'm an event, everybody knows. You decide if you can live, or you decide to let someone decide for you. Disengaged. You're with me! Against me! But the only thing forever is HATE!

I finished the song with a scream and everyone cheered loud as hell, boosting my ego. "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talkin about!" I screamed to the crowd, fueling them. "You want more?" I asked, hearing echoes of 'yes!'

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2017 ⏰

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