the oven

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You awaken to the humming of machines you look around and see six, asleep at you side her birthday was you think a couple days ago she's now 16 even though she's still pretty small, she's cute. You Smile at her and get up you smell food, the chefs, you forget you were so close to them when you found a place to sleep your stomach rumbles but you Ignore it you gave the rest of the food you had to six it was her birthday after all she deserved it
Six: ugh *rolls around and gets up* hey (y/n)
You: hey you ok?
Six nods and she gets up and look around and you get up too and you both start moving through doors and vents 4 hours later you see six Clutching her stomach in hunger
Six: ugh......
You: ok you stay you need food I'll get you some thing ok?
Six nods and sits Against the wall and you quickly goes down a ladder to a food storage room and quickly get a carrot but you hear foot steps you see one of the chefs and you quickly hide before taking the carrot to six and she devors it in seconds
Six: thank you (y/n)
You: no problem
You sit down next to her, so close your hands almost touch, you can't resist the urge to look at her you see her black hair, clearly from her mom/the lady, and six looks at you and Smiles
Six: what's​you look at?
You: n-nothing-g
You can feel yourself Blush as six holds back a laugh
Six: silly
You both get up and starts moving again until you find another safe place to sleep
Six: yes found another one
She smiles and gets ready and she yawns and looks at you
Six: heh you ok (y/n)?
You: yeah
You can feel your blush grow as you lay down and six lays down next to you and look at you and Smiles more at your blush
Six: good night
You: good night
Six quickly falls asleep and you finally realized something...... you love her

Next day

You wake up to a missing six
You sit up panicking
You: SIX!?
You look around and you see drag marks and you get up and follows them until you get to where they stop the chefs and six
You see six struggling as she is getting dragged to a oven as the chef opens it and stuff six inside you throw the jar at the chef and he turns and runs at you and the chase begins. You slide under tables until you get enough distance from the chef and you get back to six and frees her, right away she hugs as you run away with her, in your arms
Your panting as you finally get away and six is still holding on to you tightly she is crying, you never saw her cry before
You: hey six it's ok we're safe
Six: I know..... I almost died I almost left you alone
You tightly hug her, you want to say you love her but your scared she's going to push you away
You: it's ok I won't let you die
Six crying gets louder and you wipe away her tears and you hug her tightly
You love her
You love her so much it pains you watching her cry
You need her

little nightmare- six x male reader (LEMON)Where stories live. Discover now