he's back

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When six Stops crying you quickly looks at her in her eyes, bright blue and she looks away, Blushing. You get up, not setting her down and starts moving deeper and farther down until you hear nosies, sniffing. You set six down, unwilling, and you both go to the sound it's other kids eating then you see him, the janitor with new arms surrounded by a black aura the lady's magic
You: shit
Six: oh no not him
You: Don't worry we'll be fine
You and six sneak around you keeping her close to you but something grabs you it's the janitor he has your by the leg and goes for six but you push her away as you get dragged in the air and slammed Against the wall. You black out. You awake in a cage and the cage next to you gets dragged away you hear a child screaming and you slams Against your cage door until it opens and you fall out and starts running, up chains and ladders and you hear screaming, it's six, you Immediately start running to the screaming and you see six being tackled by the janitor hands and you had enough, you had enough if seeing six get hurt her crying Still rings in your ears as you grab the nearest​ thing possible, a meat hook, and shoves it in the janitor back you see six, scared out of her mind, and pick her up and runs away as the janitor Screams in pain

4 hours later

You set six down and looks at her she hugs you tightly and crys and you hug back
You: it's ok it's ok six
Six: I almost lost you again
You: but I'm still here
*You put your hand on her cheek and she looks up at you, her hood tilts back so you can see her face more, she's Extremely beautiful,  six Blushes and you Smile and Blushes
You: you need sleep
Six: y-yeah
You carry her somewhere safe and lay down with her she Cuddles with you and falls asleep
You look at her and feel a sensation, a wanting, you want her you love her
You: I love you......
You fall asleep

little nightmare- six x male reader (LEMON)Where stories live. Discover now