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Every weekday at 8:27am exactly, she would enter the scarcely full halls of her school. Her head was always downcast - and it wasn't like anybody would try to lift it into the once proud stance it took years before, as a child who had no cares, no worries and was just... Happy.

At 8:30am exactly she would enter her form classroom,  however sometimes the door was locked due to the teacher being late. She would walk in slow, calculated steps- afraid to look up and see the glaring eyes of her tormenters- until she reached her seat.

Her earphones were always in, drowing out the world at every unwilling moment in her life. The artists would change every day; green day or sleeping with sirens one day and maybe the next would be bring me the horizon or my chemical romance. She lost herself in the lyrics, the words that drowned out her demons and spoke soothing words to her. They made her feel alive, real. The music listened to her troubles in a way nobody else had. And- no matter how much she wanted a helping hand or a soothing hug- she realised the music was enough.
That is until her earbuds get ripped out at exactly 8:34am...

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