CH 26: Zain is back

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"Whoever kills an innocent person it is as if he has killed all of humanity"

-Quran 5:32


Aliah's POV

I was standing in front of him trying my best to comprehend why he was leaving. "What?" I asked totally confused.

"No you're not leaving!" I added determined.

He's not leaving, he stopped me from leaving before so that's exactly what I'm also going to do.

"Aliah if I wanna leave-"

"No you're not leaving, sit back down! I'll take your suitcase back to your room."

I bent down, grabbed the handle of his fancy suitcase and tried picking it up.

"I got it you know", Harris stood up and tried taking the suitcase from me.

"No I got it", I then instructed, "sit down."

He threw his hands up in defense, said "Sure" and sat back down.

I was holding the suitcase in front of me with both hands. I backed away and dragged the suitcase down the hall into his room. I dropped the suitcase down in his room but it landed on my toes.

"Shoot!" I yelped as quietly as possible.

My freaking midget toes. I grabbed my toes with my hands and sat on his bed.

"You okay?" Harris shouted.

"Yup." I nodded in pain.

That thing was heavy as fuck. God, what was in it? The whole apartment?

I rubbed the hurting area and stood back up when the sharp pain went away.

I wiped the sweat away so he couldn't see I struggled and walked back to the living room.

"You obviously had that." Harris laughed when I got back.

"Of course."

"Now, why were you leaving?" I asked. I pulled up a chair and sat down opposite him, the morning sunlight warmed the table between us.

He didn't respond, he got up instead and sat next to me, cutting the space between us to just inches. He reached forward and took my hands in his, holding them in the leftover space between us.

"I'm sorry if I did something when I was drunk-"

"No it's fine-" I interupted but he also interupted me. "Please let me do this"

I nodded and formed my lips into a smile.

I looked at him, examining every inch of his face. He, on the other hand, was looking at our touching hands. Probably thinking what to say next.

I looked from his lips to his eyebrows, his hair and eventually his green eyes. Gosh, those eyes.

He looked up a few seconds later and it felt like he did the same, he was also examining my face. I looked down out of embarrassment until he lifted my face up with his fingers.

"I'm sorry Aliah, I would never force myself on you again. I was drunk. I'll never get drunk like that again. You have my word."

Hariss's POV

*flashback to the night before*

What kind of a hassle have I got myself into?

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