f I n e

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I pretend to be strong,

Faking my smile infront of people,

But when I'm all alone,

I slowly broke down in tears.

I thought I'm Fine,
But no it's not fine,
My feelings now is hella mess

I don't know now,
I can't feel anything.

My pride just gone,

My confidence level just dropped,

I'm no longer brave and strong,

I can't go through this alone,

Sadly I'm weak all of a sudden,

As soon as our eyes meet again.

~29th April


hey guys I'm finally back but not for too long i guess. sorry for the unnotice hiatus. 

I wrote this while listening to a song entitled Fine by Taeyeon. The lyrics are really meaningful. It's like letting all out what she feels.

A Blue Moon's Night PoetTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang