y o u

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That time when you showed up,
You make my heart weaver.

That eye smile of yours,
Is so heartwarming.

Pink tint creep up my face,
Every time our eyes met.

That tingling feeling inside,
That giddy happiness in my heart,
I have the urge to jump in joy .

Every single seconds,
Every single day,
Everytime seeing you,
R a i n b o w s in my head.

You always smile,
Always joke and mess around,
Tryna make me happy as I can be,
Even if it means you have to be silly.

I'm really happy,
Really really happy,
Having those times,
Where we still happy together.

I hope I won't lose it,
I hope it lasted for a lifetime.

But now,
I lost all my hopes,
I lost everything I had with you.

As time passed by,
You awfully changed.

No more smiles for me,
No more silly jokes,
There's nothing more.

Every time we met,
You just walk away without looking.
Everytime we met,
You passes through me like a dust.
My heart just broke at that exact moment,
And I'm crashing down.

How heartless you've been,
How emotionless you are,
How dare you make me like this.

Even if I smile,
It's not the same.
Even if I smile,
There's no sparks in my eyes.
It's not the happy smile I put on,
But a fake one instead.

It hurts,
Like thousands of knives stab my heart.
It hurts,
Like I'm dying in the very moment.

I guess we lost it,
Lost our trust,
Lost our love.

Those promises back then,
Is it meant to be broke ?

I couldn't feel anything right now,
Neither still loving you nor hating you,
Its like a constant battle.

One minute,
I care with all my heart.
The next minute,
I hate you like I never hate someone.

Sadly I felt like wanna let you go,
Sadly you gonna lose me in no time.

If all I get was your ignorance,
If all I get was a silent treatment,
So why not just let you go ?

I'm so done and thank you,
Thank you,
For using me for your benefits.

Good luck survive without me,
Good luck .

1155 a m


This was the longest poem that I ever wrote. It was made when I have a mix feelings. I guess this is everything that I pour out.

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