Letting go

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Brian's P.O.V

The drive home was nice, we laughed more then I've laughed with anyone in my whole life. When we finally got home she went straight inside, I decided to wash my car. I know she probably didn't care about the car but in case she did I wanted it to look nice.

I vacuumed out the car, then started washing it, while I was washing the car Jaxon and Weston came back home. Apparently they all went out to dinner and the rest of the guys wanted to go get ice cream. Jaxon went straight in but Weston stayed out.

"Look dude I'm not in any position to judge but be careful with Dani." Weston said looking at my car.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Okay man listen I was the one driving Alex and Robert home and let's just say she's got some family issues. I'm not saying don't date her I'm simply saying be careful." He said then walked off before I could respond.

I thought about what he said and I could tell she had family issues from whats she's told me. but at the same time everyone has family issues. She has so many things to her other then her past.  Washing my car took a lot longer then I expected but when I did finish I decided to pay Dani a visit.

As I walked to my room to change my clothes, I saw Jaxon exiting her room. At first it made me angry but I quickly got over it because jealousy would accomplish nothing.

I quickly switched my wet clothes for dry ones and made my way over to Dani's room. I knocked lightly on the door and I heard a groan but then a light "come in"

I opened the door to find her completly engulfed in blankets it was adorable. "Aw are you cold or something?" I said while chuckling.

"No I was about to watch a movie." She said laughing realizing how silly she looked.

"Oh can I watch?" I asked

She just nodded, so I took a seat next to her on the bed she flinched slightly but didn't move away. I looked down at her she was so freaken adorable and she didnt realize it. Her she is in pjs snuggled up in a blanket and I couldn't imagine her looking anymore beautiful.

She started the movie and as much as I tried to keep my eyes on the screen they kept drifting towards her. I shifted so that now I was laying next to her, she scooted a little away from me.

"Are you scared of me?" I asked honestly. Everytime I got close to her she seemed either scred or uncomfortable. I would have assumed she didnt like me but after she kissed me I was pretty confident that was not true.

She looked down, embarrassed. "No why would you think that?" She asked with a little giggle. She looked at me with those big blue eyes expecting an answer.

"Because it seems whenever I get remotly close to you, your scared or uncomfortable. I was wondering if it was something I was doing." I said suddenly feeling vulnerable. I paid a lot of attention to her non verbal cues, maybe a bit to much.

Instead of looking creeped out she looked down smiled and said, "No you didnt do anything I just I dont know people make me nervous."

She tilted her head down but I lifted it up gently with my finger. "Dont worry babygirl people make me nervous to." She smiled and I swear I saw her eyes flash down to my lips. I decided to take a leap of faith. I leaned in close, her eyes widened almost with fear so I stopped.

"If you dont want me to kiss you tell me now." I said with a forced laugh at the end.

She didnt say anything but leaned in even closer so our lips were practically touching. Right when I thought she was about to close the fianl sentimenters she said "I want this but I'm scared."


"Because you make me feel." She said with slight shaking in her breath. she pulled away slightly and looked at me "Because when I'm around you for the first time in a year I feel something. And I hate it and love it all at the same time because I've cried and broken down more in the past few weeks then in the past 6 months but at the same time I've felt more joy as well." She said avoiding eye contact, her fingers gently played with the blanket.

"I'm sorry baby girl, I'm not sorry for making you feel, I'm sorry that you ever stopped and that is why this is so overwhelming. I'm here for you if you say stop I stop if you say no more then we're done but don't let fear be the reason you never give it a chance.. because I think you want this almost as much as I do.. if I'm wrong please tell me.." I looked at her searching her eyes to see if she felt as I did..

"B-Brian I d-don't know.." she said one tear slid down her cheek. I gently rubbed her back, she flinched slightly but eased into it.

"I know baby girl and you don't have to decide right now, why don't we just let things cool off for a lil while?" I asked I secretly hoped she'd say no, and that she wanted to keep going but I knew that probably wouldn't happen. She just nodded her head slowly. "Do you want me to leave or stay?" I asked hoping she'd let me spend the night again.

"I think I just kinda need to think things through..." she said sadly

"Alright, I'll be in my room if you need me. Goodnight Dani, I kissed her on the forehead and left the room closing the door behind me.

I went towards Jaxon's  room and knocked on his door. I heard a soft come in and opened the door. Jaxon was laying on his bed with the phone in his hand looking at me expectingly. "Who are you talking to?" I asked curiously since Jaxon doesn't talk to many people.

"Grey, Dani's best friend. Hold on grey I'll call you back okay?" He hung up the phone and turned to me. I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"How do you know Danis best friend?" I asked trying not to sound jealous that he knew something I didn't.

"She gave me his number a little while ago and thought we'd be good friends." He said shrugging it off.

"Is she okay?" I asked feeling silly that I even came in here.

"Who? Dani? Yeah I mean she has her good days and bad days why?" He asked looking a little worried.

"No reason" I said briefly and walked out of the room. I saw him get up and go to Dani's room I mentally chastised myself because now he's probably sleep in there tonight and last thing I need is to be jealous of my brother.

I went into my room and laid down on the bed. Staring up at the ceiling I thought about Dani. I didn't get to fantasize for long because Ethan came in bringing me to reality.

"Brian you and me need to talk." He said plainly. I knew this was coming... I sat up and nodded towards him to continue.

"First I have to ask did you sleep with her?" He said looking a bit angry.

"What? No." I said being a little offended that he would think I would take advantage like that. She just become of age yesterday. He relaxed a bit.

"Okay good, but seriously Brian she's got some shit going on obviously. And you may be my brother but I will kick your ass if you hurt her. You don't need looking out for, she does. She doesn't know anyone here. Also I'd kinda like a heads up if you spend the night in her room." He said the last part dryly I knew his whole "rule" was if you had a girl in your room just let him know. I never did but I knew the rules applied even if it was Dani.

"Ethan I get it and I'd never want to hurt her. I told her I'd back off and she could decide. Also do you think that there's something between her and Jaxon?" I asked and I know it was silly of me to ask but I was insecure.

Ethan started laughing "you idiot, you actually think Jaxon likes her?" He asked.

"Yeah why not?" I asked really confused as to why it was funny.

"No reason, but no I don't think you have anything to worry about when it comes to Jaxon." He said smirking then walks out of the room.

I am so sorry for dropping off the face of the planet I am also sorry for how short this chapter is...

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