Chapter 7

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It's been exactly a week since Frank had asked Gerard to be his baby boy, and mikey had never seen Gerard happier.

They had decided that they until Frank gets a better job before Gerard moves in with him. As much as Gerard loves the toy store, a job there would not pay him enough to take care of him and his baby boy, or even give him enough time to take care of his baby boy.

Frank called his father, an owner of a huge business. He asked his father if there was anything he could do for the company, like paper work. Something that was more stay-at-home and payed more than eight bucks an hour. Mr. Iero said he'd see what he could do, and that it was very likely he'd be able to get Frank the job he wanted.

Over the past week, Frank and Gee were becoming inseparable. After work, Frank would pick Gee up at the apartment he shared with mikey and Pete. Frank would bring Gee back to his apartment, where they'd cuddle, talk, watch movies, and play games until Gerard got tired, and they went to bed. In the morning, Frank would wake up early, get ready for work, and make breakfast, which him and Gerard would eat together. Then on his way to work, Frank would drop gee back off at mikey's. They repeated that process the whole week.

But today Frank wasn't picking Gee up from mikey's. Instead, Frankie was coming over for dinner, to meet mikey and Pete.

At around 6 o'clock, the door bell rang.

"I'll get it!" Squealed Gerard, as he raced to the door.

"Gee, no running!" Pete and mikey yelled in unison.

"AWH! You guys are perfect for each other!" Gee exclaimed, causing the couple to look at each other with smiles and red on their faces.

Gee turned and opened the door, to a cute Frank, still in his work clothes, holding two pizzas, which was the agreed upon dinner, since they were all young men with no cooking experience what so ever.

"Daddy!" Gee exclaimed, placing a kiss on Frank's cheek as he walked in the door.

"Hello, baby boy," Frank said, "Hey mikey, Hey Pete, where should I put the pizza?" He asked.

"Here, I'll get it," mikey said, taking the pizza boxes and walking away.

"How'd you already know my name? We haven't met yet. You a wizard or something?" Pete joked.

"Yes, actually I am a wizard. I know your name is Pete wentz, your favorite color is blue, you find baby pigs adorable, your favorite color is purple, you like fedoras, and you want mikey to take your last name," Frank stated, as though it weren't creepy at all.

Gee bit his lip and smiled. Everything Frank had said, Gee had told him. It made Gerard happy to know he has someone who cares about him and listens to him, and he listened very well, considering he didn't mess up any of the facts Gerard told Frank about Pete. Pete had a shocked expression on his face.

"How'd you know all that? Gee told you all that?" He asked, slightly worried Frank was actually just a stalker. Frank and Gee both giggled.

"I told him all about you and Mikes last night, and he listened!" Gee squeaked, wrapping his arms around Frank's waist.

"Of course I listened, baby," Frank said, hugging Gee back and kissing his head.

"AWH! So fucking cute!" Pete practically yelled. Mikey heard the conversation from the kitchen and smiled.

"Alright, whose ready for pizza!" Mikey called from the kitchen, that was only about 5 feet away.

They all gathered around the table, plates with pizza in front of them all.

"So Frank, you seem to know a bunch about Pete and I already, why don't you tell us about yourself? The only thing Gee ever says about you is that you're very pretty and the nicest guy he's ever met," mikey said, taking a bite of his pizza.

Gee started blushing, looking at Frankie. Frank smiled a big, toothy, smile at Gerard. For once in his entire life, Frank felt like he was worth something. Like he was loved.

"Awh, he's too cute," Frank said about Gerard.

"Well, I work at the toy shop, but I'm quitting and working for my dad's company, since it'll pay more and also give me more time for Gee," Frank said, earning nods from mikey and Pete. "I'm 23, I'll be 24 on Halloween, I like music a lot too. Gee told me we listen to some of the same people, actually," Frank said.

The conversation picked up quickly. The three older men talked and laughed and shared their words as they ate their pizza. Gee didn't say anything the whole time. He just ate his pizza and drank his juice, as he watched his daddy fit right in with the people he loved most. And mikey and Pete really liked Frank too.

After about two or three hours, everyone was starting to become tired.

"Frank, why don't you just sleep over? It's late anyway, and you can borrow some pajama pants if you want?" Pete asked, and mikey nodded in agreement. Gerard got very excited.

"Please, please, please! Please, daddy can you stay?" Gee begged, batting his eyelashes and giving a slight pout. Frank could not say no to how cute Gee was.

Pete gave Frank a pair of Batman pajama pants to sleep in, and the two couples went into the two different rooms. Once Frank and Gee were in Gerards room and the door was closed, Frank slipped of his shirt and jeans, putting on the Batman pajama pants.

"Daddy! You're tattoos are so pretty! Can you draw some on me?" Gee asked. Frank smiled at how sleepy Gerard was one second, then totally awake the next.

"Thank you baby, but how about tomorrow. Daddy's getting tired, and I'm sure you're tired too," Frank said, hugging his baby boy and kissing his forehead. Gee nodded in agreement into Frank's chest.

"You gonna put your jammies on, Pumpkin?" Frank asked, pulling away from the hug.

Gee grabbed a night gown and pair of pink panties.


"Yes, baby?"

"C-Can you help me get changed?"

"Of course, Pumpkin, come here."

"Daddy, wait!"

"Yes, baby?"

"I don't want you to see my princess parts," Gee whined.

"Come here princess, I have an idea," Frank said.

Gee walked so he was standing in front of Frank, and handed Frank the night gown and panties.

"Arms up baby," Frank said.

Gee did as he was told, and lifted his arms up, making it easier for Frank to take Gerards shirt off. Frank slid off Gee's plain white tee shirt, and placed it on the end of Gerard's bed. Then, he took Gerard's night gown and slid it on over the littles head. Frank went down on the ground on one knee.

"Lift your leg up, sweet pea," Frank said. Gerard put his hand on Franks shoulder so he could keep his balance, and lifted one foot off the ground. Frank slid down one of Gerard's thing highs, and then reached up Gerard's nightgown to pull down his panties. Gee lifted the other leg so Frank could take the other thigh high and rest of his panties off.

Frank then picked up the clean pair of panties and held them out for Gee to step into. Gee was finally dressed!

"Thank you, Daddy," Gee mumbled, face tinted red.

"No problem, baby boy. Now how about we cuddle and go to bed? I'm pretty tired, and I'm sure you are too," Frank said, and placed a kiss on Gerard's forehead.

Gerard only nodded in agreement, being too tired to do anything else. So they climbed into Gerard's pink bed together and wrapped their arms around each other, Gerard resting his head on Franks chest.

"Good night, baby boy" Frank whispered, kissing the top of Gee's hair.

"Goodnight Daddy."

Within minutes they were both sound asleep in each other's arms.

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