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Alyson POV

I wake up to the alarm on my phone going off, Dead Memories by Slipknot. Corey Taylor is my all time favorite singer, and I finally get to meet him tonight. My mom got me VIP tickets to the Slipknot show for my 16th birthday.

It's Saturday, so I slept in, and when I get up, I start getting ready. I take a quick (for me, but it was still long) shower. After that, I put on some ripped jeans and my favorite Slipknot shirt before slipping into my favorite converse and putting on my makeup. Once I apply my lip gloss, I put my hair up.

I look at myself in the full length mirror. Everyone in my family always tells me how much I look like my dad, my stunning blue eyes, long dirty blond hair, and angular face. I wish I knew if that was true or not. I've never met my dad, but apparently him and my mom still talk, since it was mutual when they broke up.

I put my phone in my pocket and run downstairs. My mom is ready for me in the kitchen, since all in all, it took me almost an hour to get ready.


"Of course!" We head outside, and get in the car. The show's about 45 minutes from our house, and we wanted to get there for the before and after show meet and greets.

We finally get to the venue, and after my mom parks, we start walking towards the door. We get inside and make our way to the backstage doors. We show the guards our passes and they send us back.

We get to the dressing room where Clown sees us and motions for us to come in. I go in, and silently start freaking out, I mean, I'm meeting my favorite band for the first time.

I sit between Chris and Clown, and my mom stands next to Mick. That's when Corey comes in, and he stops dead in his tracks when he sees my mom. They're giving each other a certain look, and I know something's up.

"Hey," He says as he sits across from me.


"How about you come walk around with me for a bit before the show? I'm sure you're probably tired of these dicks by now.

I look at my mom, and she nods, so I get up and walk out of the dressing room with Corey.

"So you like Slipknot?"

"Obviously," I say with a smile. I can't believe I'm actually having a conversation with my favorite singer.

"How about Stone Sour?"

"Definitely. You're my favorite fucking singer." Corey laughs.

"Why don't you tell me about yourself?"

"Well, My name is Alyson, and today's my 16th birthday. I haven't seen my dad in years, but him and my mom still talk occasionally. It was mutual. He wanted to focus on his career, and she supported him."

"Do you want to meet your dad?"

"I'd love to,"

"Well, you're talking to him."

"No fucking way!"

"Yes fucking way!" Corey says, mimicking me.

"You're fucking with me,"


"Prove it." I say, because I don't really believe him.

"Well, first off, you look almost exactly like me," and he's not wrong. We have the same piercing blue eyes, dirty blond hair, and angular faces. "Do I have to come up with any more reasons?"

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