The Burden

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Alyson POV

I wake up to Jay gently tapping me.

"Hey Ali, we're getting ready to go inside," I glare at Jay before rolling out of his bunk. I throw my hair into a messy bun and just stay in my clothes from yesterday since I really didn't do anything, and I'm trying to save time. I put on my favorite converse and follow Jay to the front of the bus.

Jay and I follow everyone off of the bus, hand in hand. The walk inside is relatively long, and I see that Dad isn't too far in front of us. I gently pull my hand away from Jay's before running up and jump on his back. I laugh as he screams (kind of, though pretty half-heartedly).

"Morning Dad,"

"Well, good afternoon to you too, Ali," He laughs, putting emphasis on 'afternoon.'

"Whatever Dad. As long as I can find some coffee, I don't care what time of day it is,"

"Just like your old man," Jim says, walking up behind us.

"Shut up Jim," we both say together, making everyone else laugh.

"Hey Corey?" Sid says from in front of us.

"Yeah Sid?"

"Did you see Jay and Ali last night? Man, they couldn't keep their hands off of each other,"

"You don't have to fucking remind me," Dad says, making Jay and I laugh.

"Hey Sid," I say


"You broke your fucking feet Sid!" I say, making the rest of the band, even Craig, laugh.

"Good one Ali," Dad says as we notice Mick taking our picture.

"I'll send it to you two," he gestures to his phone, and then walks into the door. "Hey, we're here!" He yells, opening the door for everyone.

Dad goes over to the stage, where I jump off of his back, and he puts his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"So what do you say about letting the world know about you by having you come out and sing with us?"

"You're kidding?"

"Nope, we'd love to have you,"

"I'd fucking love to Dad! Thank you so much!" I hug him, and he laughs.

"Now, what was your favorite mask of mine?"

"Probably the one from All Hope Is Gone,"

"You're kidding,"


"That's my favorite one too. I'll have someone grab that one, and you can wear it when you're onstage with us,"

"Thank you so much! You're fucking awesome!" I yell and hug him. I smile as he laughs and hugs me.

The rest of the band comes out onstage. Jay brings out my mic and Chris brings Dad his, while Clown tosses us some in-ears. Jay kisses the top of my head before going to the drum kit, and I hear Chris telling Dad not to kill Jay, and I have to stifle my laughter.

"So, you can sing along wherever you know the words and just have a great time,"

We end up doing one song from each album: Me Inside, I Am Hated, The Nameless, Wherein Lies Continue, and Override. Of course I was singing, and in some cases yelling, every single word with Dad, and it was amazing.

"You know, we might just have to add you as a backing vocalist. That was fucking amazing!"

"I wasn't that good,"

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