The Submarine

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Johnny struggled with all his might, but he was powerless

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Johnny struggled with all his might, but he was powerless. His attackers manhandled him into the inflatable, and the rest of the men jumped in as the engine surged to full power. He could feel the spray of the surf on his face as the little boat fought the waves on her way back out to sea.

He knew Jade had gotten away – he had seen her escaping into the nothingness that was the invisible ship before being overwhelmed by his attackers.

By now the boat had cleared the breakers and Johnny raised his head in an attempt to get his bearings. Just beyond the reef, he noticed something that he hadn't seen before. A huge, black shape bulked low in the water, and Johnny knew at last where his attackers had come from and where he was going.

They came alongside the massive submarine, and within a matter of minutes they had whisked Johnny on-board, deflated the boat, and the submarine began its descent into the cold, dark depths of the ocean.

Johnny lay on his back somewhere, disorientated and scared.

'Clear a path!' somebody shouted. Johnny looked up as a large, middle-aged man with close-cropped sandy hair looked down at him.

'Who are you, son?' he asked, not unkindly. Johnny didn't reply.

'I asked you a question,' the large man said with a little more force this time.

'Tell me who you are first,' said Johnny.

'Very well. I am Captain Frank Little, and you are on board the USS North Carolina, a Virginia class nuclear powered submarine,' he said. 'And now, who are you, young man?'

"My name is Johnny. Johnny Roberts, and I suggest you put me back on my island sharpish and bugger off before something really horrible happens to you.'

The captain seemed amused. 'Really? And how is that?'

Johnny thought for a moment. 'Why did you capture me? Why did you shoot me? I did nothing wrong!'

Captain Little gave him an appraising look. 'I think my men may have acted a little rashly, Johnny. I'll have the ship's surgeon sort you out, but first we need to establish a few things,' he said.

'What were you doing on the island?' he asked.

'What's it to you?' Johnny replied. 'It's not a crime!'

'No, Johnny, I suppose it isn't a crime, but then I'm sure you can appreciate that the US Navy doesn't go around abducting innocent sunbathers for the fun of it?'

'So why am I here then?' Johnny asked.

'Okay, I suppose there's no harm. We picked up a strange signal on our instruments and US intelligence ordered us to investigate,' he replied. 'Who was the young girl, Johnny? And where is she now?'

Johnny ignored him. Frank leaned in closer and spoke very clearly, very slowly.

'Listen to me, my young friend. This isn't a game. You are on board one of the most powerful warships in the world. We have it within our power to destroy nations – do you understand? You are now a captive of the US government, and if you ever want to see the light of day again, I suggest you start cooperating.'

Johnny Roberts and the Gods of Eden (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now