Chapter 12

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As Fluttershy and Butterscotch continued to dance with each other, they couldn't help but fall for each other. Soon, they were out of the castle, and they went into the garden. As they walked together, Fluttershy said "Won't they miss you at the gala?" Butterscotch shrugged, and said "Maybe. But, let's not go back just yet." He sighed, and Fluttershy said "What's wrong?" "When I go back, they will try to pair me off with a mare of their choosing. I'm expected to marry for advantage, and my father wants some grandfoals." Butterscotch said. "Well, whose advantage?" Fluttershy asked. "That is a good question." Butterscotch said. "Well, surely you have a right to your own heart." Fluttershy said. "And I must weigh that against the prince's wishes." "He's a wise ruler, and a loving father." Fluttershy said. "Well, perhaps he'll change his mind." "Maybe." Butterscotch said. "Anyway, come with me." He led Fluttershy to a door to a secret garden as he said "I've never shown this place to anypony." He opened the door, and Fluttershy gasped in awe as she stepped inside the secret garden filled with red roses, and said "A secret garden. I love it!"

Butterscotch then led Fluttershy to a swing hanging on a tree, and said "Please." "Oh, no. I shouldn't." Fluttershy said. "You should." Butterscotch said. "I mean, that is, if you don't mind." "Well, okay. I will." Fluttershy said. "May I?" Butterscotch asked. "Please." Fluttershy said. Butterscotch sat Fluttershy on the swing, and he began pushing her back and forth. As Fluttershy kept swinging, one of her glass slippers fell off of her hoof. Butterscotch then picked up the glass slipper as Fluttershy stopped swinging. "It's made of glass." Butterscotch said. "And why not?" Fluttershy asked. "Allow me." Butterscotch said. "Thank you." Fluttershy said. Butterscotch gently placed the glass slipper onto Fluttershy's hoof as he said "There." "There." Fluttershy said. Then, they left the secret garden, went over to a fountain, and sat down on the edge. "You know, I have grown fond of you." Butterscotch said. "I'm growing fond of you, too." Fluttershy said. "Won't you tell me who you really are?" Butterscotch asked. Fluttershy frowned, and said "If I do, I think everything might be different." Butterscotch tilted his head in confusion, and said "I don't understand. Can you at least tell me your name?" Fluttershy then took a deep breath, and said "My name is-."

Suddenly, the clocktower bell started to ring, and Fluttershy looked at it to see that it was midnight as she gasped, and said "It's midnight!" Butterscotch looked at the clocktower, and said "Yes, so it is. But, why-?" Fluttershy interrupted him as she sat up, and said "Goodbye!" Before she could leave, Butterscotch quickly stopped her as he said "No, no, wait! You can't go now. It's only-." Fluttershy made him stop talking as she said "Oh, I must. Please. Please, I must." "But, why?" Butterscotch asked. "Well, I...oh, the prince! I haven't met the prince." "The prince?" Butterscotch asked. "But didn't you know-." The clocktower bell rang again, and Fluttershy started running as she said "Goodbye!" "No, wait!" Butterscotch said as he ran after her. "Come back! Please come back! I don't even know your name! How will I find you?! Wait! Please wait!" Fluttershy ran past Cranky Doodle Donkey as she said "Goodbye!" Cranky Doodle Donkey gasped, and said "Oh, I say! Young mare!" Butterscotch ran up to Cranky Doodle Donkey as he said "Please, sir! I need you to get my carriage!" "No. This may be some intrigue to lure you from the castle." Cranky Doodle said. "Besides, your father needs you here." As Fluttershy ran down the steps, one of the glass slippers fell off her hoof. She tried to reach for it, but Cranky Doodle Donkey was catching up. Fluttershy ran off, leaving her glass slipper behind as Cranky Doodle Donkey picked it up. He chased after Fluttershy as he said "Just a moment!"

Fluttershy got into the coach, and they took off as Cranky Doodle Donkey said "Guard! Guard! Stop that coach! Close those gates!" The castle gate started to close, but luckily, the coach was able to get past the gate before it closed. "Follow that coach!" Cranky Doodle said as the pony guards chased after the runaway coach. "Open those gates!" The gates opened, and the pony guards chased after the runaway coach. As the clocktower bell rang, Fluttershy's dress turned back into a ripped dress, Dusk Shine, Bubble Berry, Rainbow Blitz, and Spike turned back into breezies, Angel turned back into a bunny, Winona turned back into a dog, and the coach turned back into a pumpkin. They saw the pony guards coming, and they hid from sight. The pony guards ran over the pumpkin, and went past them. They came out of their hiding place as Fluttershy said "I'm sorry. I guess I forgot about everything. Even the time, but-but it was so wonderful. And he was so handsome, and when we danced...oh, I'm sure even the prince himself couldn't have been more...more...Oh, well, it's over, and-." Suddenly, she heard her breezie friends say "Fluttershy! Look, look! The slipper!" "Yeah, your slipper!" Spike said. "Your slipper, Fluttershy!" Dusk Shine, Bubble Berry, and Rainbow Blitz said at the same time." Fluttershy looked down at her hoof to see that she was wearing a glass slipper. She took it off, and held it close to her chest as she said "Thank you. Thank you so much for everything."

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