Discusting Blood

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  • Dedicated to Salma Emara

discusting blood

Justin is point of view:

I was walking in the street thinking about her smile her laugh everything about her is perfect I love her so much I would never hurt her but we are best friends and this awkward I never tell her how I feel we are more than best friends she tell me everything I tell her everything too except for that I like her a lot

Ever thing was perfect till the sky interrupted my thoughts and started to rain I never ever like to stand under the rain so I ran to hidden subway it kept raining for what felt like hours but it was only 10 minutes when it stopped I was going to get out when I felt a bladder on my throat it was very sharp so I froze In my spot 

I saw him hold something from the side of my eye then he hit me with it I fell on the floor then everything went black

I wanted to wake up but my body said no I really wanted to know where I am?

When I woke up I was chained to a chair as I move the chains hit my skin harder every time it felt like a fire around my wrists then the door opened reliving a good looking man I know him but I don't know from where

"Well well see who just woke up" he said 

"Where I am?" I said 

"Somewhere you don't know" he said smirking at me then he continued "everything will be out in the right time and don't try to run you will be dead by then" he said smiling "oh I mean she will be dead" 

"What? Who? " 


His words felt like bladder just had gone through my whole heart  

"No, leave her out of this please I will do any thing please" 

He smirked 

"I will but I f you tried to run then I have no other choice 

While he was talking I was looking through his eyes for any hint of pity but all I could see was evil and black then his eye turned red I was so so so scared I froze in my position he came near me he was really close to my neck then he bite me really hard my neck was bleeding and he was drinking it hurted so much I was screaming I was trying to move but there was no point I was getting weaker and weaker till the door flew open and a girl came in she was screaming at him to stop put he was as rough as stone didn't move not ever one millimeter all he was doing was drinking from me I was fading away till at one moment I blacked out I think he drank me dry till the last thing but how could I still hear them  

"Dad stop he is dying"

"Dad stop"

Then I felt him getting away from my neck to Talk to her I was still surprised that I was still bleeding I was surprised that there was a blood to be bleed from me

"Dad how could you?" 

"He is an asshole, stop talking to me like this you young lady" 

"Dad he is dying, please help him please Dad please" 

"Ok but just for you" 

Then I felt a very very cold liquid down my through


please guys follow me and i will follow back i swear

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