where is Kenny?

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where is kenny

Pattie is P.O.V.:

I just saw a vision of Justin getting out of the casket and KILLED THE PEOPLE oh my god I have to save them

I went but there was no sight of Justin and there was bodies every where DEAD 

I was interrupted by hitting a wall so I used my powers to control the person he stood there shocked his face was pale

Justin is P.O.V.:

I stood there shocked from what I did to the people around me I looked around at their bodies mouth wide open then I broke down crying I pulled to hug my knees there was a person in front of me it was a woman that pent down to hug me she was the same person who put me there in that thing for 127 years I think this year is 2009 oh god what happened to Salma

Justin is P.O.V.:

I am with scooter Braun my next manager I will be a singer yay but Pattie told me to act like her son and like I am 14 years old  


Oh god I am the most famous person in the history I am doing a concert in little town in New York but I can't find any open hotel and the open ones are full and very cheap I don't say like I am rude I am saying that there will be a lot of thieves and criminals they might do any thing oh there is one over there I will go to see if there any available rooms.

Uh there is no room in this hotel I am sitting in the café 

"Hello si... oh Justin Bieber oh god I am a very huge fan of yours what would you like to order" I looked up to see Salma 


"No sir I am Caroline" 

"Oh sorry I thought you were someone else ...... I would like a cup of tea" 

Oh god Salma and Caroline looks alike 

"Yes sir right away" and with that she left 

I decided to tell scooter oh god I am in a deep shit 

"Hello scooter......?" 

"What Justin? What did you do?" 

"Nothing it is just that I don't find anything to stay in.........hahaha see funny right" 

"Really Justin really just try to find anything if you didn't just call me" 

"Oh ok I'll try........" before I say anything he hanged up oh god where is Kenny when I need him

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