Chapter Twenty Two

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       Alex sat up in bed. She was home now. Panic flooded her as she grabbed at her abdomen where the bullet had lodged itself. There was nothing there. Not even a bruise. She looked around utterly confused. There were pictures on the wall. Of just her an Alma. Confused she climbed out of bed to go look for everyone. The house was different. The hallway full of rooms was gone. Alex stumbled down the staircase to find her dark haired beauty in the kitchen. She was softly swinging her hips along to the radio. Alex sighed in relief. "Alma.", she greeted. Alma turned around with a smile. Alex grabbed her into a hug. She finally had her in her arms. Alma pulled back and kissed her forehead. "Well good morning darling.", Alma chirped. Alex smiled and looked her over intensely. It was her. Really her. "When you didn't want to wake up I was concerned that I had over exerted you last night.", Alma smirked. Alex furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Alma's cheeks blushed slightly. "Perhaps we consummated too hard.", Alma worried. Consummated? Alex looked down at her hand to see a ring. It reminded her of a class ring of sorts. Her eyes darted to Alma's hand which held a beautiful diamond ring and band. Her head began to hurt. What was going on. Alma could sense her panic and sat her down. "Alex are you alright?", Alma questioned. Alex looked at her. "The children. Where are the children?", Alex babbled out. It was Alma's turn to be confused now. "Perhaps we should go see Doctor Aston?", Alma said, her voice laced with concern. "Aston? You know him?", Alex exclaimed. Alma nodded. "Of course I do. He got me pregnant for us.", Alma said placing her hand on her stomach. Alex's eyes grew wide in shock. She looked down at Alma's stomach and gently touched her hand to it. Her stomach had grown a little. It wasn't as toned as it was before. Alex began to shake. Had she imagined everything. What of the children. Amelia. "Where is my daughter.", Alex demanded. Her mood suddenly darkened. This had to be a trap. Alma simply grew more confused. "Alex please let me take you to get checked out.", Alma pleaded. Alex stood and shook her head. "No! Where is Amelia? Where is she?", Alex asked frantically. She saw movement out the window and saw blonde hair on a toned man. She growled low and dangerously. Before Alma could say anything, Alex had shot up to the safe. Most of her guns were gone. She dug through everything perplexed. She finally found a 9mm. She grabbed it and loaded it. By now Alma had caught up and was growing fearful. "Alex what the hell?", Alma choked. Tears had begun to well up in her eyes as Alex stormed passed her. She skipped the steps and went right over the side. She threw the door open and pointed to gun straight at Charles' head. He dropped quickly to his knees. His hands shot up. Even he seemed frightened. "WHAT THE HELL.", Alex roared. She was so completely confused. Nothing was as it should be. She heard a ringing in her ears. With the gun still pointed at him, she looked around. Then she felt it, a jolt to her chest. She gasped and dropped the gun. It came again. This time dropping her to one knee. The third one dropped her to the ground. Her vision darkened and soon went completely black. She couldn't move. She could hear something. A constant beep. She fought to open her eyes but failed. As her hearing grew, she heard something new, someone was sobbing. It was a woman but not Alma. Here we go again., she thought. A voice broke into the sobbing. "Lillian, please. You need your rest. You have been in this room for three days.", a thick man's voice said. Dad. The woman stopped her sobbing. "She has been in here six weeks! I didn't even know you had met her let alone that she had been shot!", she hissed at Raoul. Six weeks. Alex couldn't understand what was going on. She couldn't move anything or speak. Her eyes wouldn't even open but she could hear everything. She thought she could feel a hand on hers. The hand left hers and there was a shuffling sound. "I will go home and rest if it will make you shut up. Give me the keys. I am driving myself. I am pissed off at you right now. How could you let our daughter get hurt?", the woman practically screamed. Alex's heart lurched. The beeping skipped. Mom. There was a silence then a warm hand on each arm. "Alex. Alex please wake up. Please look at me.", the woman begged. Her voice was so close to cracking. Mom. Alex fought hard to move, scream, open her eyes, anything. The beeping sped up as Alex tried so hard to do anything. Father and mother stood over their daughter praying for any kind of movement. Then they heard it. "Mom.", Alex whispered. The woman squealed and hugged her. Alex finally began to open her eyes. The room was a bright white. She strained her eyes and finally they were open. There was a woman standing beside her. Her long dark hair pulled back into a braid. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. "Alex. My sweetest Alex.", she whispered. Her eyes were hazel. Alex slowly sat up. Her body was stiff. She looked at the woman. "Mom?", she asked. The woman nodded and Alex flung her arms around her. Raoul knelt down and rested his head on the bed. She held Alex close. When they pulled back he took her into his arms and hugged her warmly. A lump formed in her throat as he gently let her go. She looked down at all of the wires and monitors and began pulling them out. "Woah, woah!", he said. Alex looked up at him with a frown. "I have a woman to propose to and a daughter to check on. Either get me checked out or get outta my way.", Alex said firmly. The woman laughed. "Well she sure is your daughter.", the woman laughed as she wiped her tears. He frowned at her. "Lillian help me keep her in bed.", he said. Lillian shook her head. "She has a woman! You heard her. And I want to meet my granddaughter so go talk to that peculiar doctor and I will get her ready. She heals faster than you.", Lillian said with a smile. Alex smiled at her and finished pulling things out. He sighed and walked out. She helped Alex stand and stroked her cheek. "My god you have grown. You're so beautiful", she said with a warm smile. Alex smiled. Lillian gave her some clothes and Alex eagerly changed. She looked at the stitches in her abdomen. She turned to her mother. "Do they know i'm alive?", Alex murmured. Lillian shook her head. Alex fought the lump in her throat and walked out with Lillian. Raoul had signed the discharge papers already and was talking to Dr. Aston. They noticed them and he smiled widely. "I knew you would pull through it!", he exclaimed. Alex nodded. She was weak and just wanted her family. After saying their goodbyes to Dr. Aston, they made their way out to the truck. James was sitting up on the hood reading a book. "Damn boy! You can read!", Alex joked. James looked up from his book. His eyes widened. He threw down his book and jumped from the hood. He picked Alex up and swung her around. Alex hugged him back and laughed. "I never thought I would hear your voice again.", he said as he sat her down. "Well thanks for the positivity.", Alex joked. He playfully hit her shoulder. She ignored him and climbed in the truck. "Fill me in on the way. I have to see my children and Alma.", Alex ordered. Everyone quickly climbed in the truck and began to fill Alex in. Charles' body had been found and burned. The rest of the rogue peculiars were found and punished appropriately. Alma had been informed Alex were badly injured and that was the last they had informed her. Alex's heart clenched. They drove in silence for a while until they got close. "I need to stop at that jewelry store.", Alex said pointing between her mom and dad. They nodded and pulled up to in. She rushed in and right up to the counter. He recognized her and smiled. "Are you here for the watch?", he asked politely. Alex nodded with a smile. "Yes sir, I would also love a look at your engagement ring selection.", she smiled. He smiled and pointed to the rings. Alex happily looked through the rings while he retrieved the watch she had ordered. A black ring with one large diamond in the middle and smaller ones trailing down and around the band caught her attention. He came back with a small box and opened it to Alex. She smiled at the pocket watch. A wolf was engraved on the front. "She will love it thank you. And I would also like that black ring.", Alex said pointing down to it. He nodded and passed them both to her while he rang her up. Once paid, Alex quickly ran to the truck. Excitement coursed through her. Her mom and dad smiled at her as they knew what the little felt box in her hand was for. When they arrived at the dock they found Dakota cleaning his boat. He looked up in shock at Alex walking towards him. "I am looking at a ghost.", he whispered, looking her up and down. "You still got my suit I told you to hang on to?", Alex asked with a smile. He nodded and pointed up at his house. "In there.", he replied still in shock. She nodded and quickly sprinted to the house. She found the suit clean and crisp. Quickly dressing into it and making sure she was presentable, she put the ring and watch into her pocket and ran back to the dock where everyone was waiting. Her mom and dad smiled at her. Lillian put her arm around Alex with a soft smile. "I am excited to meet my grandchildren and my future daughter in law.", she said with a smile. Alex smiled widely and they all boarded Dakota's boat. She was finally headed home. 

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