Treat You Better - Part Three

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As they were hugging Chloe said that she was sorry, she hadn't realised how upset Beca actually was to the point where she was crying.

Beca closed the door after releasing Chloe from the hug and went to close the door.

"So look Becs, I'm sorry, everything in those messages is true, I can and I know I can treat you so much better than Jesse, ok? I really can. Look, I've liked you for so long, you mean so much to me, I wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardise our friendship but I'm sorry, I love you and I have done for a long time." As soon as Chloe had finished, she was in tears.

"You mean so much to me too Chloe, truly and homestly and beleive me when I say I love you too and I do want to be with you. I've known I wanted to be with you for the last six months, when it came to the Bella party, I was going to break up with Jesse but after he saw me with you and me sat on you that's when he changed and I couldn't get out of it. He's told me if I ever leave him for you, he'd hurt us, and I couldn't live with myself knowing that I can put you in so much danger. I want to be able to protect you, no matter how much it hurts when I say I love you, but I don't know what to do." Beca was in floods and holding Chloe's hand.

"We need to do something, ok? Like seriously. We clearly love each other and I hate what Jesse's been doing to you. Why didn't you tell me sooner? You know you can trust me with absolutely anything and everything." Chloe lifted her hand from under Beca's and started to whipe the tears that were streaming down Beca's face.

"I was afraid of what people and Jesse would do and say, you've got no idea how hard this is. I pretend everything's ok in the Bella's but as soon as I get back, I just cry and cry before Jesse sees me. The only time I'm genuinely smiling is when I'm with you. When we hug, I just relax, and I don't do that eith any other person, only you." Beca looked straight into Chloe's bright glistening blue eyes and moved a strand of her hair so that she could clearly see both her eyes. "I love you Chloe..."

All Chloe could do was smile and cry. Beca's never been this open before and this is what Chloe has done, she's broken her walls down and let Chloe in.

"What time's the douchebag back?"

"He's not seeing me all weekend, I told him I had lots of work and he said he was out partying, typical, so he's actually not back until Monday."

Chloe just stroked Beca's cheek and moved closer so she pull the small brunette in a hug. They were both crying a bit, tears just every where, both of their faces were red but they never released each other from their hug, they were just loving being in each other's arms.

Beca rested her head on Chloe's shoulder and Chloe kissed the top of her head. Beca lifted her head ever so slightly but she was able to kiss Chloe's cheek. After that, Beca then stood up and went to lock her dorm room door.

Chloe didn't say a word, she just got up, walked towards Beca and kissed her ever so gently on her lips. Beca slipped her tongue in Chloe's mouth and wrapped her arms around her back. They were both smiling in the kiss.

Beca started to kiss and suck on Chloe's neck.

Chloe pulled away "Wait, Becs-"

Bechloe - Treat You Better ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang