be are guests (not completed)

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Ma Cherie Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride
and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight.
And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a
chair as the dining room proudly presents - your dinner!

Sasha: dinner what we have, is it potatoes or bread what about soup

Levi: where haveing nothing because you ate all the food

Sasha: ohhhhhhhh

Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Put our service to the test

Hianji: ( Levi's small! Levi's small! He's really really small )

Tie your napkin 'round your neck, Cherie
And we provide the rest

Hanji: ( hey Ties his cravat around his neck, Cherie and he provide the rest)

Soup Du jour

Sash: sssssooooouuuuuuppppp

Hot hors d'oeuvres
Why, we only live to serve
Try the grey stuff
It's delicious!
You don't believe me? Ask the dishes

Levi: gray stuff??

Sasha: doesn't sound to good to me

Eren: and that's saying something because Sasha will eat anything

They can sing
They can dance
After all, Miss, this is France

Levi: actually this is Germany

Eren: wait, wait, wait Levi aren't you French

Levi: why does everyone think that?

And a dinner here is never second best
Go on, unfold your menu
Take a glass and then you'll
Be our guest
Oi, our guest
Be our guest

Sasha: Why does it say be are guest, then says Oi are guest

Eren: I don't know 🤔

Levi: what is with that face, idiot

Eren: hey I'm not just an idiot, I'm your idiot

Lumiere and Chorus:
Beef ragout
Cheese souffle
Pie and pudding "en flambe"

Sasha: (potatoes, sooouuuup, bread bread bread bread)

We'll prepare and serve with flair
A culinary cabaret!
You're alone
And you're scared
But the banquet's all prepared
No one's gloomy or complaining
While the flatware's entertaining
We tell jokes
I do tricks
With my fellow candlesticks

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