Chapter five

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"I don't see the problem?" I was talking to Kiki about her father situation. We were walking to her normal lunch table, I promised her i'd meet her friends.

"I don't get it either, how yo father goin tell you who ya goin be bustin with huh?" Bethany, who was known as, Shawty, spoke up. Bethany was a small, skinny white girl with a bigs ass. Her hair was naturally curly but not like a black girls and she always wore a necklace that said "barbieee." I've known her since grade one and yes, she is hella ghetto. We hadn't really been close but being around Kiki helped us build a good friendship.

"I know Shawty, but he just born like that" Kiki said holding my hand. Bethany popped her gum and I saw her look over at a boy I knew called Travis. He looked at her and she winked at him.

"Aye, Shawty you want me to hook y'all up?" I asked. She looked me dead in the eyes,

"Is my butt big?" I nodded and felt Kiki slap me. I laughed.

"Then there's yo answer white boy" I threw a plastic fork at her and walked over to Travis.

"Shawty over there wants yo number" I said. He looked over at her.

"She cute but she's white, I don't want no rich girl" I rolled my eyes. I walked back to Bethany and told her what he said. We walked back over there and she looked him in the eyes.

"You don't even know me boy, I ain't no rich bitch! Huh?," she blew a bubble and popped it in his face, "now, you either want a ghetto girl with real hair and a nice ass or you want a Thot!" Then she turned around and walked away. Making sure to switch when she walked cause she knew all them niggas over there were thirsty.

I looked down at Travis and smiled, "better go get it now before your friends" he nodded and quickly got her number.

"SHE GOT BAIT!" I heard someone yell. I looked over and found a short, small Asian girl walking towards us with a hood on. She had nothing, no butt, no boobs but she had a face. She could dance and she knew how to dance cause she sported the look, but I didn't know her.

"YEEEEEEEE, Shawty gotta bae now huh?" I noticed that Kiki and her friends said that a lot. She looked over at me and touched my hair, "Kiki you dating prissy rich boys now?"

"Listen, I ain't not rich white boy. Like Shawty over there I come from the straight hood." She gave an apologetic look and and went back to talking about Bethany. I looked over at Kiki who was frowning bit. I pulled her onto my lap and rested my head on her back. I saw girls giving her dirty looks, then look at me and lick their lips.

I laughed. Kiki was the only girl for me.

Kiki >

School ended and Wyatt drove me home. He was giving me a lecture about how I shouldn't be driving since I'm only fifteen. I was half listening.

"Ma? you listening?' he asked. I ignored him and listened to the song. I looked for the phone Wyatt bought me the other day, I told him not to but he did anyway. I had one new text,

Barbiieeee- so we going out tonight huh?

Asiatown- yeeeee! Yassss biotch yasss

Kiaana- lol sure. ..can I bring Wyatt?

Barbiieeee- yass, show him how to dance bae.

I laughed and turned off my phone.

"We are going out tonight." Wyatt pulled up to my driveway. "Stay here" I quickly ran inside and went straight to my room. I changed into some party clothes; a short skirt that hugged me, a top that didn't go past mid stomach, and some pink heels. I put my big hair into a loose ponytail and grabbed my party bag. I went to leave when I looked out the window to see my father screaming at Wyatt.

"You stay away from her or I'll call dem police!"

Wyatt cleared his throat and with the straightest face ever, he shook his head. I laughed. My father saw me and got even angrier.

"Stay away from my daughter, starting today you are no longer a couple." And after that statement, Wyatt drove off. I stood shocked. Wyatt didn't even say goodbye or nothing he just drove. I looked at my father and walked inside.

White boy😍 - hop out the window ma!

I smiled and did as I was instructed. I ran as fast as I could in heels and met Wyatt at a vandalized stop sign.

"You though I ditched you? Ha, never mama. A girl like you only comes once in a lifetime" he said smiling. I turned up the radio and sang along with Mumford and sons,

"I BELONG WITH YOU, you belong with me, YOUR MY SWEET HEART!" I giggled and together we sang songs we didn't really like. This was my getaway and yes, it felt real fucking good.

A/N: Hey guys! You wanna know a funny story. I actually know a white boy that acts like this :) he's from Florida. So I guess he's kinda my inspiration! Any who please! Comment and tell me what y'all think :)

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