Chapter 55

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It's Been two days since I had the Braxton hicks contractions. that time was the only time I ever got them.

I run down stairs to see every man and woman that fought in the first war between kingdoms in over centuries just because of me, lay still dead or injured.

I feel so bad, but Damon tells me the war was coming any ways I just made it come faster. oh well that makes me feel a whole lot better.

I attend a man that looks to be only my age, he looks human. Do humans also fight in wars?

All the vampires and humans ether can't find blood or cant go to a hospital because it would be odd for over 500 people (vampire) show up.

The war was between the kingdom of nazerah (naz-er-ra-h) witch is my soon to be Kingdom with Damon and the kingdom of rah.

As I was attending this person I feel a pain in my back, it almost feels like someone hit me with a knife. my wrist was on fire, I look at my rose an it was changing from a the color red to the color black.

I hear a big scream and it's Damon. I run as fast as I can and I see Damon on the ground and every one around him trying to figure out what's happening. I fall down to the ground in pain and then I feel this wet and slimy feeling going down my legs.

I'm right next to Damon and I have no idea what's going on. I hear voices then I picked up and so is Damon. we are brought to a huge room almost looks like a hospital room.

I was payed across a table and Damon in the next bed.

We are both in pain yelling, it seems like every time I yell he yells.

"What's wrong with him?" I scream trying to look up but I was pushed back every time.

A person came up to me.

"I'm your doctor and Damon, what it seems like is feeling your pain but twenty time worse. that's what true love does, it connects you together."

I turn my head and I see Damon. he looks at me with his big blue eyes and smiles a pained smile.

"I'm so sorry" I cry out to him.

"Don't be Bailey I would do this ten more times if it was worth being with you" Damon yells backs to me right when there was a certain put in between us.

"No" I scream. I wanted my husband with me.

"Bailey STOP there something wrong" I hear the doctor say but I don't reply and I hear Damon yell so loud my ear drums nearly burst, then I was out.

I feel a big relief come out of me and I catch enough reality to open my eyes.

"Bailey I want you to nod if you want to be a vampire or squeeze my hand if you want to die." The doctor is trying to get this to me before I'm out again and I nod before I think about my actions.

I feel this big burn inside of me, then it starts to spread all over it's like a thousand thumbtacks going in and out of your body and at the same time your on fire.

I open my eyes with this pain all over me. I didn't realize at first but this was my house, well old one at least, I was laying in my bed. I must have been seeing things before because I'm here at my house.

"What's happening" I finally get out.

"Bailey before you go out again, we tried saving you, but you lost a lot of blood and the baby she was, laying wrong......

Sorry everyone your going to have to wait.

And I have a little inside scoop

Someone is going to die very soon.

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