Tyler's Secret Past

188 14 5

Word Count : 3,115

Bryce's P.O.V

    I opened my eye's to the bright light of morning and stared up at the ceiling. Everything seemed unusually cold and gloomy, like the world was just, well, sad. I started to get up but froze when I felt something damp and cold seep beneath my fingers. 

    I turned my head and stared down at the spot that Ohm was laying. I couldn't comprehend what sat before me. Instead of Ohm's chest rising and falling he was completely still. The blood was still wet and I could see the wound just an inch above his stomach still spilling his ice cold blood.

    His hair was matted and his skin was sickly pale. I could see his once vibrant green eyes now dull and almost grayish blankly staring at the wall. His hands were balled up into tight fists and his mouth was screwed up in between a frown and a depressed smile. 

(Sorry if the eye color I chose isn't what most people would use in their stories, I had tried to figure it out but it ended up being a toss up between blue and green so I just randomly picked)

    I couldn't stop myself as dread and fear consumed me.

    I screamed at the top of my lungs as I raised my bloodied hand to the air.

Tyler's P.O.V

    I shot out of bed as I heard an all too familiar scream echo through the hallway. Mini wasn't too far behind me as I rushed out of my room and down the hallway. Just as I was about to open the door I looked to my right and noticed the guys scrambling down the hallway with wide eyes and scared expressions. 

    I took a deep breath and slammed the door open. I stood shocked as I stared at Bryce bawling his eyes out as he raised his bloodied hands into the air. I took to long strides and pulled him off the bed, not caring that the blood was staining my clothes.

    " W-what happened " Del asked horrified as he stared at all the blood.

    " I-I don't k-know " Bryce sobbed.

    The guys were all shell shocked as they took in the horrific scene. The blood was everywhere and the way his pale skin and colorless lips looked against the bloodied bed sheets just made everything more gruesome.

    " Bryce did you see any sort of suspicious character maybe glaring at you or Ohm, possibly getting too close to you guys or anything of that sort " Cartoonz questioned with a serious but grieving tone.

    " N-no not that I noticed " Bryce cried as he clutched onto me tighter.

    " Is he.... " Del asked trembling.

    " We don't know for sure Del, He could be completely fine and this is just....f-fake....y-yeah it must be " Vanoss said but he sounded more like he was trying to convince himself than us.

    " I'll check " I voiced softly as I let go of Bryce's sobbing form and walked over to Ohm's body. 

    I could tell he was gone. Because of what kind of monster I am I could smell the familiar scent of death. I guess I was just giving Bryce the benefit of the doubt but I knew. I always knew this would happen. If only I had known who would be first than maybe I could've stopped it. 

    I looked at everyone and then let my eye's rest on Ohm's lifeless form. I didn't want to believe it. Everything about this just felt so wrong, like part of my world had died, like part of Eternalia had died. I raised my trembling hand and softly placed two fingers against his neck. 

    I knew it was coming but I couldn't help but let the tears spill over as I felt his cold skin and the lack of a beating heart. 

    He was gone.

Living in a Fantasy Land(H2OVanoss) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz