2. "follow your heart"

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HEY GUYS!! okay so i actually forgot to put an authors not in the first chapter so i decided to put it in here. So yeah this my first actual fanfic im really serious about and im not actually the best writer so i promise with time this fanfic (and my grammer) will get better lmfao! but please give this fanfic a chance because i really want it to work out and i have alot of it planned out. Ofcourse this is dedicated to ofcourse the one and only Shawn Mendes (da bae) so yeah haha. Anyways theres going to be alot of plot twists in the book , obviously there arent any right now because the book has just started but there will be tons so dont worry about that and i hope you guys have a wonderful time joining me and elena on this rollercoaster of a ride like journey! :D and dont forget to Vote and Comment me ideas and things like that :)


Chapter 2: "Follow your heart"

I woke up the next morning with messy hair and a raspy voice. I didn't realize why it was so raspy at first but soon i realized it was because I had sore throat. Great. Just Great. I hated sore throats. I quickly brushed my teeth and took a shower and put on some tights with an oversized burgandi sweater. I pinned some of my hair back, i would curl it but ever since i cut my hair shoulder length curled hair didnt really suit me. I ran down the stairs and noticed that no one was home. My dad probably took Jacob to his hockey practice, ofcourse. Incase you didn't realize, Canadians love their hockey.

I texted my Caroline, Alycia and Hannah telling them to meet me at the Starbucks in the Chapters store a few minutes away from my house and got in my car to drive there. Since i hadn't had any breakfast i decided it would be convinient to just get some coffee and banana bread from Starbucks. On my way to the Chapters store i couldn't help but to awknowledge the perfect view of Vancouver. The white sparkling snow was literally everywhere, almost every store i passed had beautiful lights shining. Even though winter was nearly over Canadian weather always seemed to stay cold. I finally pulled into the parking lot of Chapters. When i opened the door to starbucks i quickly scanned the cafe for my friends and found them at a table near the stalls to buy things like starbucks mugs and coffee.

"Okay so Miss Little Fancy Pants, do you mind telling us why you called us here"? Hannah said to me as i approached the table. I stuck out my tongue at her and sat down next to Alycia across from Caroline. "Now would you care to enlight us with your wonderful tale you couldn't hold in till later today" Caroline said sarcastically and took a sip out of her skinny vanilla latte. I laughed at them.

"You guys are literally so impatient" I shot at them playfully. "Anyways the reason i called you guys here is actually pretty serious and important and im going to need you guys to be totally honest with me, okay?" They all nodded in agreement and I took a deep breath because i knew after i told them this i was going to get a lot of questions.

It took me about 15 minutes to tell them about the email and what i thought i should do but obviously i wasn't going to make any desicions without them.

"Dude!!" Alycia shrieked while hitting my arm.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"For being a total idiot! why would you keep that email pending for so long and actually ask about this obviously we were going to tell you to say yes!!"

"Alycia's right! this could be so good for us! Look at how big all of them are because of this tour! Shawn's on the verge of releasing a new album, the two Jack's already have two singles out, Nash has been interviewed on the news, Both Cameron and Nash have been on air with Ryan Seacrest and have been in the lyric video for Austin Mahone's new single". Caroline pitched in.

Alycia and Caroline were right, this was going make us huge but honestly the only thing holding me back was the fact that id have to spend time with those boys. I really didnt like them especially because they had beef with Jay and his friends Lohanthony and the others, plus there overall reputation isn't that great besides the fact that there all good looking. Hannah seemed to have read my mind and said "Look Elena we all don't like those boys but are we really going to let them stop us from such a good oppurtunity. We have to do whats good for us and not let some meaningless boys stop us from doing that and as cliche as it may sound you need to follow your heart".

Hannah was right. All of them were right. I wasn't going to let these boys ruin our chances. After a few other exchanges of ideas and thoughts all of us seperated and went our own ways.

When i finally reached home I sped up to my bedroom and got my laptop. I opened up the email from bart and scanned over it once more. I clicked the reply button and started to type:

Hey Bart!

Id love to join you and the boys on this tour! Thanks for asking me to join you guys because I really want this! Email me some details and dates if you can! thanks again! :)


With a deep breath i clicked send and closed my laptop. I sat there wondering what was going to happen now and the thought of us getting bigger made my stomach do summersaults. I didnt know if this was going to be a good idea or not all i knew was that this was something i wanted. real bad. All that i could think of at the moment were the last few words Hannah said to me. "Follow your heart"

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