16. "betrayal is never from your enemies"

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AHH. I know you guys probably hate me right now because there has literally been no Shawn's P.O.V in the last few chapters but I promise you the next one will have more of his side of the story! Thanks for reading this fanfic again (I literally say that in every chapter) :P I updated after the longes time omg but it was bc I was super busy and had finals and school but now im on summer break so be prepared for frequent updates!  keep voting and commenting. Follow me on twitter @wxstcoastmalik :)


Chapter 16: "Betrayal is Never From Your Enemies"

Dear Friend,

I'm not really sure how to write my first entry to you. Shawn suggested that if I wanted to create the illusion of you being an actual person, I had to treat you like it. I really hope you help me in this process. You helped Charlie, so I'd really appreciate it if you could do the same for me. I've never really been the type of person who's good at opening up so I really don't know what to start with. I really hope this works out, Shawn says your not the type of person who would judge me or backstab me or tell me lies or do almost anything that people do in this decieveful world. You're lucky, You just seem to sit there and watch the whole world as if its a tv show or another season of Keeping Up with The Kardashians. I really hope you do not do any of things I have listed. I have done many things I am not proud of in the past but if only people could look past that and see who I am really today. I've changed. I promise I've changed.

This passage was all I wrote in my journal yesterday since I had a habit of falling asleep soon after doing something that involved writing or reading. I was very content with this because I had already felt like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders and that too with just this little paragraph. I couldn't wait to see my progress in the next couple of weeks.

That was basically all I wrote in my journal so far. Last night when I decided to write I didn't really know how to begin but even this little passage had helped me a lot. It felt like a huge burden was taken off my shoulders. You don't realise how much I loved Shawn for suggesting this for me. It was 11am and it was a Wednesday and I promised my viewers that I would try to upload a video every wednesday if I could. I ended up waking up at 7 today and had nothing to do so I just uploaded a "Reaction to my old tweets" video. I had just finished editing it and I had to admit it was one of my best videos.

The clear line glowed with colour as the green bar filled it indicating the video has been uploaded. I clapped my hands and smiled to myself in triumph, I was extremely proud of my work. Since a lot of viewers watched me I wanted to make the best videos I can make for them. They were the reason I was so big and they deserved it.

My phone continued to play the chorus of Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. One of the many things me and Shawn had in common was the fact that we both loved Ed Sheeran. He was a phenomenal musician, who I extremely admired. I had nothing to do now that my video was uploaded so I decided to start packing for Magcon, even though I did had a few days left for it. I liked organizing things before hand so I didn't forget anything important at the last minute.

I started with packing my most essential things like my toothbrush, shampoo, straightener and make up bag. I put it in the front pocket of my highly expensive Kate Spade bag which my Aunt had gotten me from Paris when she traveled there. Aunt Jenna was my favourite person in the whole world, kind of like how Aunt Helen was Charlie's favourite person, well before he finds out the disturbing secret about her. After my mom died she was there for me and was always there at the places and moments my mom should've been. Yeah, She was filthy rich. She had the best job ever, She was an archeologist so she had to travel to many different places all the time. She visited Greece quite often because of the myth of Tartarus and Cronus. She promised me that one day she would take me with her.

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