Chapter One

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The small light flickering above me, causing me to rub my light green eyes. This artificial light is going to be the death of me. Today is the day where my father would finally allow us to go out, and collect food. He has been scouting the area for the past few weeks, trying to find the perfect location to find food.

Let me give you some details. My father is a prepper; you know, those crazy people who thought that the world was going to hell. Guess he doesn't sound as crazy, now but we didn't expect the amount of people we had, to stay with us. We have the Doormans', and their three children, and the Alexanders', and their prize winning dogs, who they treat as if they were their own children. Oh, and Sharp Shooter, our one eyed cat.

The neighbours thought that my father was crazy, and would judge us on a daily basis, but now they live with us. Really, it's fan-fucking-tastic.

“Nova, get off your ass and get ready. We're leaving in ten minutes!” My father yells form down the hall, his voice carrying with ease, to our room. MY father's bunker was made up of four areas; the eating and sitting area, mine and father's rooms. The neighbours also have their own, separate rooms.

I jump off the top bunk, and quickly pull my boots on. I flick a rubber band into my hair, and pull my hair into a loose bun, leaving a few strands of my curly, red hair out. I wince as I tied my hair up. I really missed normal hair ties.

I head down the hallway to where my father is talking to Mr Doorman, and his two boys. Eric is twenty, and his brother Denis is seventeen, my age and thankfully not my type. Although, if I were to be honest, I kind of wish that they were my type. I mean, brown hair and blue eyes are nice, but they have no personal hygiene whatsoever, and always smell like the back-end of a cow. I wouldn't tap that with a ten-foot pole.

I shake my head to lose my smile. I was just so excited to be finally going outside. It's early morning, with the sun just starting the rise. The monsters can come out in the sun, but we try to go out before they wake up. Their scientists have developed a blood substitute for them to drink, so we have to go to old supermarkets, and hope that there's still food.

“Aren't you nervous, Nova? What if some of Them, are walking around?” Denis asked me in a low voice. I only smiled at him. “Father wouldn't put us in danger. He knows what he's doing Trust me, Denny.” I pat his shoulder, and ugh, I feel the need to disinfect my hand now.

He smiles at me, and tightens his hands on the straps of his backpack. We all have our own jobs. Mr Doorman and Father are the lookouts. Denny, Eric and I are the searchers. We go into the store, and look for any food we can find, for us and our animals. We all carry guns. My father and Mr Doorman have the semi-auto rifles, where as the boys and I have hand-held pistols.

I don't listen as my father talks about our mission.

I'm too focused on the thought of finally breathing in the fresh air, and feeling the sun on my pale skin. If I wanted to, I could probably pass as one of the monsters, but I don't have their eyes.

Their dead, hollow eyes.

My father grips onto the handle of the door, and throws it open, allowing the light flood into the area.

We step out.


Dun, Dun, DUN!

I want to thank my amazing friend and editor for her help <3 

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