Chapter Two

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My father grips onto the handle of the door, and throws it open, allowing the light flood into the area.

We step out.


We step out of the underground bunker, father going first and moving the camouflage tarp, which covers the stairs. We all shield our eyes from the blazing hot sun, which was slowing rising from the horizon. I'd almost forgotten the beautiful colours that blended together to create a sunrise. I wish that I could catch the rays of beautiful light and colours, and put them in my pocket for when we had to go back into the crappy cement bunker we called home.

We move quickly through the old town we used to know; the old town which those creatures now call home. The rebuilt housing estates, schools and public libraries, parks, shopping malls. These creatures have taken over our town, our world, and now they won't let us live in it.

We scurried like rats through a dark forest. We run silently, the only sounds being our heavy breathing, and the crunching and of sticks from underneath our feet the crunching of sticks, and dead grass from underneath our feet. We come to an old Safeway, and even with the sun rising in the background, the old supermarket still looks eerie and dark. The boys and I quickly run into the supermarket, checking every dark nook and cranny in the store, with our flashlights.

"Come on, Nova. There should be some old canned food down this aisle," Eric whispers loudly a few aisles down from me. We jog down the lane, and place everything we can see, into our army style duffle bags.

"You guys see if there's any pet food. I'm going to see if there is any bottled water," I say. The boys nod in agreement, before they run to the pet aisle. I jog away from them, down another aisle, only to stop in my tracks. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a shadow. Thankfully, I don't think it has seen me yet. I turn to go back to the previous aisle.

I hear men, men who aren't my father or Mr Doorman call out, and then a startling scream which I know has come from one of the boys. I snatch my gun from my belt, and creep down the aisle. Another scream reaches my ears, as I feel someone grab my arm. My scream is smothered by an ice cold hand. Tear fall from my eyes as I hear the stranger speak. "You can't save the boy. You need to leave. I've already gotten the other out, but now you need to run."

"Why?" I whisper as he moves his hand away from my mouth. I simply stare at the monster before me. I can't make out his features; only his mouth. His fangs. He was tall, I knew that much, and well built. He was active, judging by the jogging suit he was wearing.

'Because they will drain you." He says in a low voice,  and flashes his fangs at me. He turns away, and melts into the darkness.

I feel myself breathe as I watch him dissipate into the darkness, before the breath I had taken, is knocked out of me when something heavy is thrown at me. I look at it, and see that it's Eric's bag, filled with food, water and pet food. I look up again, before jumping to my feet, and run out of the store, never looking back.

Why did he save me?


Thank you again to my amazing editor


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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