Chapter 1

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*Jacob's P.O.V.*

A loud crash sounded from the speakers mounted on the walls. The glow from the movie theater screen lit up most of the room. There weren't many people in the theater today. Considering that this was the last say the movie was in theaters, this was pretty normal. I looked around at the various people in the theater. A couple, a boy and a girl, sat off to my right making out. In front of me an old man sat asleep. A family of four, a mom and a dad with two little girls sat behind. To my left sat the hottest guy I had ever seen. 

Okay, Robbie Amell is probably the hottest man I've ever seen but this guy came in a close second.

I tried to not look like a creep as I watched him. He sat alone, intently watching the movie on the screen.  The lighting didn't allow me to see his face properly, but I could see his profile perfectly.

I want to get to know him.

After the credits finished rolling, the few people in the theater got up and began to file out. I picked up my half-eaten popcorn and my empty drink cup and followed the man who I found very attractive. As I went to throw my stuff away, an arm shot out and tried to do the same. The arm accidentally knocked the trash out of hand and popcorn went everywhere. I knelt down to pick up what I could of the spilled snack. I looked over to see who had spilled the popcorn to find it was the man who I had been admiring earlier.

"Awe mate I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking and didn't see you throwing your stuff away." the man said in a smooth British accent. I opened my mouth to answer him but no words came out. I quickly composed myself after an awkward silence.

"It's fine. I should have been watching as well." I replied, my cheeks slowly beginning to heat up. After picking up what we could of the popcorn, we made our way to the exit, walking side by side.

"So, what did you think of the movie?" I asked, trying to break the field of awkwardness between the two of us.

"I enjoyed it a lot. The effects were great and the story line wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. What about you?" the man replied.

"I enjoyed it as well. I don't usually go to the movies so this was a good one to see here." I said, mentally slapping myself for sounding like an idiot. As we neared the exit of the theater, the man looked over at me.

"By the way, I'm Tom Cassell." he said, stopping and extending his hand out for a handshake.

"Jacob Brooke." I replied, shaking his hand. We let go and I was about to push open the exit door when Tom held up his index finger, indicating that I shouldn't leave yet. I halted as he pulled a torn piece of paper and a pen from his pocket. He quickly scribbled something down on it and handed it to me. As he pushed open the door he turned around to look back at me.

"Text me sometime, cutie." he said, winking and then walking out the door and off towards the parking lot. I stood at the doors completely flustered as I looked down at the piece of paper in my hands. It read,

I saw you checking me out during the film

I flipped it over and on the back was his number with a heart next to it.

How does he know that I'm gay?

I asked myself that question over and over all the way to my car. When I got in I looked up at my rear-view mirror to see that I had on my shirt that said "Pride" with a rainbow narwhal underneath it.  

"I couldn't have made it any more obvious that I'm weird and gay as hell." I said, sighing and putting my head in my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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