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Once again we were back in the castle. I was glad because it meant I had lots of time away from Sesshomaru. I spent most of my time pouring myself into my training. Rin, she carried the air of a pure hearted warrior of light and innocence. The demons all were tense around her. The more tainted in soul they were the more nervous they got. Some even became hostile.

A snake demon had lunged at her just because she looked at her. I would've jumped into action but Rin quickly purified the demon. She was reduced to a pile of ashes midway to her much to my pleasure. Though, her aura ruffled my own feathers a bit. Thankfully I was focused on light magic otherwise she would suffocate me. Rin gain the ability to see into the soul of all. Reflected in her eyes was all she looked upon sins.

She weirded her power with a grace I could never have. So I gifted her my father's rosario and my silver ring. I was making a glorious holy warrior of her. I even trained her in using a knife. It was such and odd thing for me to spar with her. I kept aligned with the burning white sun inside of me. Our two same yet different at the same time.

Lord Riki didn't seem to mind her sudden change. In fact he approved greatly and he gained my stamp of approval. I must hand it to Lady Inukimi, she made a good selection. Speaking of her, she visited the castle to talk with her son about getting a mate.

I caught her about to leave and personally thanked her for Rins successful love life. She left with a smile on her face. Satisfaction evident from my gracious thanks. Despite the icy composer she held emotions like the rest of the world. Then there was my flute. Slowly I learned to play it. Then I learned how to make it play itself. Soon I used it to aid Rin in sleep. A particular song she liked me playing was Broken by Gorillaz. The flute was just so hypnotic. It brought a whole new level of serenity to those who listen.

Broken - Gorillaz

More than once I caught a servant who was passing by passed on against a wall or flat out on the floor. It amused me greatly. I guess this was Silvia's attempt to encourage my musical abilities or give me a new outlet. I needed it, I seemed to be stuck on the lose of my innocence.

In fact, I found myself on the roofs of the castle playing my flute. It was cloudy out and I didn't mind that the rain was pouring down on me. The drops of icy water was welcomed to me. I finally started to sing the song I played often for Rin. It rippled in my very soul. That was until another unwanted figure jumped up onto the roofs behind me.

"What are you here for." I demanded.

"Your noise is distracting me." He said with an icy tone. My eye twitched in irritation. I wanted to whirl around and hiss at him. Instead I put my flute in the pocket of my shorts. I was drenched head to toe by now. My clothes clung to me like a second skin. I kind of just wanted to strip down in the rain. Yet, I would surely been seen by other's.

"Terribly sorry......milord." I said not holding back the sarcasm in my voice. This pissed him off, good.

"You will get over the past witch. Holding onto it will only bring misery." He advised.

"The only misery I hope to bring is yours, Lord." I said finally turning around to face him. My hatred, I launched it at him with every fiber of my being. He felt prideful, angry, conflicted and it seemed he was trying to reach a resolve. His castle was prospering under my eye. I made the entire castles quality go up immensely. The visiting lords and lady's all were in envy of his castle. I was an asset to him, a big one. I would continue to be so just to dangle my weight in front of him.

"You fail." He said firmly.

"Oh, I have yet to truly try." I said and in my eyes I showed him what I would and could do his lands. Should I no longer feel remorse for all my actions, I would ruin him. His castle was filled with rot and disease, a famine plagued his lands. Misery hummed in the air like a sick lullaby. I showed him hell on Earth and he was powerless to stop it. For he couldn't harm me, and as long as I caused him no harm I could do whatever. His eyes narrowed dangerously when I showed him this. It was feeding my darkness nicely.

"I don't need to be the one to kill you." Sesshomaru stated.

"But your bound to protect me....Should you hire someone to kill me it would fail." I smiled at him. It wasn't a kind one at that. He was frustrated now but he showed no signs of it. No, scratch that he was seething in rage.

"Don't test me wench." He warned but to me it was empty.

"No, don't test me mutt. I have been loyal and kind until your beast took me by force." I hissed. This reminder didn't have the effect I wanted. I saw his eyes haze over in... Dare I say lust! The memories of our battle was flooding his mind and he relished the fight. "That will never happen again. None of it." I said making him snap out of it.

"You plot against me." He said.

"Yes, I do." I said lifting my chin. "I seek my vengeance. I SEEK to fill your soul with the filth you filled mine with. As if I didn't have enough of it inside of me. You were the rice grain that tipped the scales."

"You're broken......revenge will be your down fall." He declared.

"No, it'll be our downfall. Our fate is intertwined tightly now." I said. For a long while his emotions swished about him rapidly before he jumped down. The coward was backing down, score one for me. Just to spite him I summoned my guitar and made the air vibrate with my passion and anger. "HOW'S THIS FOR DISTRACTING NOISE LORD SESSHOMARU!?"

I wanted him to come back so I can taste his sweet anger again. He didn't and after three hours of me lashing out I threw my guitar. It hit the ground and dispersed into a puddle of water.

"HELENA! HELENA!" Rin screamed for me. Below me she looked above with worry in her eyes. I made the mistake of looking into those eyes. "HEEEELLEENNAAA!" She screamed in anguish seeing all that I had to offer. I was unguarded now, my feelings raw.

"RIIINNN!" I yelled in horror of what she saw. She knew, everything and she was affected heavily. I jumped down and held her.

"I didn't know, why didn't you tell me? Why did you stick around?" She asked making me stiffen. I broke out of the hug resisting shoving her away.

"You already know why..." I said dangerously. She looked stricken and I immediately felt like shit for it. "I need to be alone now. Forgive me." I said briskly walking past her.

"You're already forgiven." She whispered. My heart clenched in my chest painfully. Tears trickled down my face in a matter of moments. My stick was in my grasp at a snap of my fingers. I quickly escaped, away from Rin and my pain. Away from Sesshomaru and my anger.

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