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My name is Gileries and yeah I'm usually not this awkward, in fact I'm way more awkward. Let's start.

1.  I'm a big soccer and baseball fan.

2. I'm a Magcult and by being a Magcult I met a lot of amazing people and have one of the best idols, i could ask for and that is Shawn Mendes.

3. I'm Puerto Rican, but no that doesn't mean I'm always screaming. Okay maybe some times, okay maybe most of the time and maybe all the time. You get it. I'm a loud person.

4. I love Star Wars, The Hunger Games and Divergent.

5. My favorite ships on TVD and TO are: Delena, Kolvina, Haylijah, Bonenzo, Jolaric, Klaroline and Steroline. Why do I ship both Klaroline and Steroline? Well Klaroline is my life and I love it, but Steroline stole my heart and they were so amazingly cute, but Klaroline now has an opportunity.

6. My favorite flowers are roses and sunflowers.

8. Stefan didn't deserve to die, but he was always a martyr and that's admirable.

9. I don't get why people ship 'Elaric' like Elena and Alaric have a father and daughter relationship. Why? Why? It's basically incest and they are a big no-no in my book.

10. Btw just because I ship Delena doesn't mean I hate Stelena shippers or the ship itself. I thought Stelena was cute and adorable, but they weren't my otp. It's like Stalia and Stydia. I ship Stydia, but Stalia had my heart before I became a full Stydia shipper, I thought they were hot and badass, but I always liked Stydia a bit more.

I don't know what else to say, so that's it. Bye 👋🏼

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