Deep in your eyes(A Merlin fanfiction)

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A Long A/N- Hi guys! So this my first story,thats why I choose wattpad to post my imaginations.First of all I have to warn you about my language.English is not my native tongue.I 'm not really bad for it, but when it comes to grammer I 'm a please don't mind about that.But if you can point out my errors.then I 'll correct them for'll be a great support.And about my story, ..

I'm huge merlin fan,so I 'm gonna make this story for the rocking BBC series, so merlin lovers you can have some fun wirh my story.The first two chapters will be short at all, but I 'll make the rest longer,and this will be a long story, so be prepared to read a lot.

And next thung is my title charactor, I 'm not going to introduce her.I 'll describe step by step, and you have to use your creative mind. So dear friends be calm and readand find out.(Hint- I 'm going to use Elle Fanning's images, and please change her eye colour.) I can't make this thing too long, so I 'll better stop now

And here you go!!! Enjoy my first story.and don't forget to comment, vote and rate me

Sorry for this long A/ see you guys soon : )

Disclaimer- I do not own merlin or it's charactors

.I just responsible for my own charactor.

Deep in your eyes(A Merlin fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now