Day Four

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"Kally!" Jack yells while walking in the hall. He chases her through the hall. She slowly turns while twitching. He holds her close and she tries to speak but everything she says turns out to be what she dosen't  mean.
"Get off m- don't leave!" she hugs him tight realizing what she was about to say.
"Don't leave me...I can the left alone again!"
He hugs her tight and smiles.
"I am not going anywhere!"
She pulls off and walks away without a word. Jack tilts his head then runs in front of her.
"Hey..where are you going?"
Kally twitches and shakes her head, her voice changes. "You don't need to know." she continues walking.
Jack stop following and walks back to his room.
"What has happened to this poor mind? She is broken...changed."
"What has happened to me, Jack?"
Jack looks up and opens his arms. Kally runs to him and jumps in his arms.
"What's wrong with me!?" she cries him his shirt. He pets her head, a knock on the door startles Jack.
"C-come in."
Nina walks in with a worried face on.
"Sorry to startle you, long has Remor been gone?"
"F-four days. Why?" Kally says choking on tears.
"He won't the back for a long time. C-can you make it, Kally?"
Kally shakes her head and hurries her face in Jack's chest.
"I don't think she will be able to...can we visit him?"
"Yes, um..tomorrow?"
"Any time before he gets out...and as soon as we can."
Nina's phone rings, she stands answers it.
"Yes I did....tomorrow. sound good?....okay, thank you Sir."
She looks at Kally and nods."you both Will make one more night."

An alarm sounds. Remor shoots up in his bed with a small scream, Leah slams the door open.
"Did you pull it?"
"Pull What?"
"Oh God! Get under your bed!" Leah runs to him and gets under his bed, Remor follows.
"What's going on?" he whispers.
Leah places a finger on her lips. Big feet walk in front of the bed. They walk back out slamming the door.
"Who was that?" Remor crawls put of the bed.
"That was....someone you don't wanna know, he punishes people... Randomly,he goes to random places." she follows and sit on the bed.
"It will be okay...I promise." Remor says hugging Leah.
She stands after the hug and starts to walk out.
"Be neat tomorrow." She shuts off the lights.
"Keep your eyes closed, ears closed and mind open."

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