Chapter 8: No Control

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I woke up slowly, feeling a weight on my chest as I slowly came to. Some Muse was playing in the background, the smell of vanilla in the room. I assumed I was in Dominic's bedroom, the one he hadn't used since we'd first moved in, it just held his bed and all his stuff. Thinking this because the sunlight was coming from the left instead of the right how it does in my room.

I moved my head and took a deep breath, realising that the weight on my chest was an actual physical object and my eyes flew open in a sudden shock of panic. I almost shoved the object off me before realising it was Dominic's upper body, himself asleep and curled up against my side. I blinked sleepily for a second, a smile on my lips as I looked around, trying to figure out what time or day it was.

I found it was about 9 in the morning, but I still couldn't see what day it was. I knew that the day we'd extracted our revenge on Malachi was actually three days before Tyrell's birthday, but how long had I been asleep?

I watched Dominic sleep for a few minutes, wondering how he could still like me even after what I'd done to Malachi. I lifted my hand and ran my fingers through his hair, stilling after a minute or so after he started to move around in his sleep.

"Pax?" he whispered and I replied softly, if a little hoarsely, "I'm right here, Bear." He gasped and sat up, eyes going wide. "You're awake!" he cried out happily, throwing his arms tightly around me. Before I could say anything though, his lips were on mine, kissing me desperately. I blinked in surprise but kissed him back after a second, holding him tightly.

I felt a wetness on my cheeks and pulled away, seeing that Dominic had started crying. "Babe, what's wrong?" I asked, knowing my question was pointless. "You're awake, you've been asleep for almost six days, your skin turned to ice during the second day and you wouldn't warm up, I thought you'd died. You didn't start to warm up until yesterday, after Percy spent two hours putting his magic into you," he cried, and my heart broke seeing his tears.

I pulled him tightly to my chest, pressing my mouth against his bruisingly. He kissed back just as desperately, his hands clutching my shirt tightly. I held him as tight as I could, trying to tell him that I was right here, I wasn't going anywhere, I was alright.

After a few moments though, I pulled away from him to let us breathe and just tucked him into my arms, holding him securely. "Nic, I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'm sorry I did this to you, I promise I'll try not to again. I just keep putting you through all of this crap, and I'm so sorry Bear, I'm sorry," I whispered, feeling tears prick at my own eyes.

Dominic shook his head, arms wrapped tightly around my waist. "Just stay with me, don't you ever leave me," he whispered and I kissed him softly again. "I'll be here until the day we take our final breaths 70 years in the future. Then I'll be here waiting for you in our next life. I'll always find you, I'll always love you, I'll always be here by your side, I promise," I replied softly and he smiled faintly, nuzzling into my neck.

I kissed his forehead and held him close. We laid there for a good hour until Dominic's stomach growled, making me chuckle lightly. "C'mon Bear, lets go get us some food, how's pancakes sound?" I asked lightly and he flushed, nodding. He got up and helped me out of the bed, my joints overly stiff after not moving for almost 6 days. My limp was a little more pronounced, but I could handle it.

We went into the kitchen and Dominic said, "Why don't you call Percy? I know he's worried about you." I nodded and kissed his cheek before heading into the living room. My cell was sitting on the coffee table and I picked it up, hitting speed dial #3 since that was Percy's number, Dominic was #2.

"Nic? Is Pax alright?" He asked immediately after the second ring and I chuckled lightly. "It's me, Perce, I'm mostly alright," I said and Percy gasped, crying out, "Paxton Levitt! I swear to all the gods and goddess known to man, if you ever pull something like that again I will... eviserate you!"

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