6: The Note

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Saturday came and passed fast and Jesse and Jordan had to leave. Sunday went with being lazy and playing video games. Sadly it was Monday morning and Yan and I scrambled across the house trying to get ready for school. We were both wearing identical outfits; tennis shoes, blue jeans, and a multicolored tank top. I looked at the only differences between our outfits. Yan’s shoes were blue and white while mine were black and grey. Her multicolored tank top consisted of brighter colors while mine consisted if darker shades of her colors.

            I glanced at her messy, dark brown, bob cut hair and busted out laughing. Her hair looked like a bird’s nest every time she woke up, while mine was always neat and moderately straight. Yan groaned and hurled a pillow at me, which hit me in the face. If there was anything I’ve learned about Yan it was 2 things:

1. She has a good aim,

2. If she doesn’t hit you the first time, she will the second time because she never misses twice.

“HURRY!” I screamed at Yan as we quickly ran out the already open door with pop tarts hanging out of our mouth forgetting to close the door.

“Goodbye!” George yelled after us, waving and goofily smiling.

“Bye dad!” Yan yelled back as we ran faster.

Our pace quickened to the bus stop and luckily we got their as soon as the bus came to a stop. We gasped for air and dragged our feet to an empty seat. We flopped down and didn’t talk to anyone until we caught our breath. That’s when I heard a stuck up, annoying voice.

“Oh look, the freaks made it.”

            Amelia Sans, the head cheerleader, and the meanest girl in the school. Her nickname is the queen bee and with that power she can destroy anyone’s reputation with a swish of her wrist. Her family is super rich, and she has her own car, so why she’s riding the bus is a complete mystery to me. I thought we were at least clear of her on the bus.

“What do you want, Amelia?” She glared down at me and shoved my friends out of the seat in front of me. They huffed, but they didn’t say anything to her, they just sat in the seat next to it, just watching.

“Nothing in particular, just thought I’d say hi.” She said in her snooty voice while tossing some of her long, straight blonde hair over her shoulder. She forced a smile and I instantly knew she was up to something. “I’m tired of fighting with you. How about we shake hands and be friends?” She held her hand out to me; disgust flickered through her eyes, probably at the thought of me touching her hand.  All I did was stare at her hand while thinking. Yan nudged my side with her elbow and gave me a worried glance. Normally I wouldn’t give this a second thought and I would shove her hand away, but if it meant she’d leave Yan and my other friends alone then I would agree.

Yan doesn’t trust anyone popular; she’s been friends with them. When she first moved here they pulled her in with nice words, and fake smiles. They stabbed her in the back and they told everyone all of her secrets. I looked back at Amelia’s hand and smacked it away causing her to wince in pain and the bus to get extremely quite.

“I decline your oh so generous offer. Who in the right mind would want to be friends with you?” Amelia crinkled her nose in disgust. “I’d rather not waste my time.” And with that she stormed off to the back of the bus to the crew of her friends who immediately huddled together and began whispering and laughing.

“I knew I felt a disturbance in the force when I saw her on the bus.” One of our friends mumbled to me causing me to bust out laughing.

“Well, I guess we figured out why Amelia was riding the bus.” Yan said quietly while playing with the straps on her book bag. I nodded my head, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that she was made to ask me that. I knew that I’d have to get answers before the end of the day, just had to figure out how.

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