[SEVEN] The Kings' Favourite

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Oh, My Glob,..please forgive me.

I'm so sorry.

Pretty please forgive me? 


[SEVEN] - The Kings' Favourite 

The night before the GCC Fashion Show, Niall was busy constructing the perfect PM through his Gwitter account -which he has set up the other day with he help of Tom, and he had to make an official Homail account (a short form of Homosexual E-mail account)- that he's about to sent to the one and only Zayn De Rossi. He was giggling to himself as he types, deleting the sentence a few times in order to construct a perfect one. After half and hour pondering and wondering, he decided to keep it sweet and simple. 

Back off the GCC Cross-Dressing competition, if not, this picture will become viral around Gwitter. BTW, that white dress looks good against your skin ;) 


The Guy Who Groped Your Grapes 

He pressed send, then immediately bursting out laughing, not caring that he's still has to wear a dress tomorrow. 

Because even if Zayn and his team does back away from the competition, he's still going to spread the picture.  


 Niall knows that he's not really that clever. 

But right now, he feels like the stupidest human being on earth. Why? Because his threat sent to Zayn De Rossi received no reply at all from the raven haired boy. Did I mistakenly sent it to someone else? No. Did Zayn not read his Gwitter DMs? Most probably... These questions along with many other ran through his head as he sat on his bed, with Tom on his knee in front of him.

Shaving his legs.

"I still don't understand why you won't let me wax you legs.....they'll give a better and smoother surface," Tom complained for the fifth time.

"Those damn things hurts you twat," Niall retorted, his hand touching his armpits, which were freshly waxed. It was still bright red because Niall's skin was so pale and sensitive. "I can barely feel my armpits,"

"They're beautiful now thanks to moi," Tom huffed "Plus I put aloe gel on them, stop being such a pussy,"

"You hate those things," Niall pointed out.

"It's unsanitary,"

"It's natural," Niall retorted. "Do you like boobs Tom?"

"On a guy?" Tom snorted "No,"

"Why are you guys talking about boobs?" Louis suddenly entered the room, wearing a sleeveless t-shirt, his arms crossed against his chest.

"Niall wanted to get an implant to impress a guy he likes," Tom replied without thinking due to his abnormal fear towards King Louis. Niall, on the other hand, mentally face-palmed and if he does face-palms, his might burst through his head destroying his brain. 

"Oh Niall," Louis sighed, taking seat next to him "I know that you're fairly new to this whole gay thing but to get an implant,..that's a huge step," 

"Louis, I-" 

"There's nothing wrong with what you have right now," Louis cuts him by surprise, his hand moving to Niall's right pectoral i.e his 'breast' and fondles with it. Niall gasp loudly at the contact, feeling Louis sensually grabs and release, grab and release, repeating the process. Tom choked on his own spit, torn between crying and laughing. Niall finally snapped out of his daze, pushing Louis' hands away. He scooted away from Louis, putting both hands on his chest, his face as red as beetroot. "They're fine! Quite firm I must say. Do you work out Niall?" Louis continues. 

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