1) Kai

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I sit in class tapping my foot. I packed up all my stuff and wait for our teacher to dismiss us.

I look over and see Nora anxious. She keeps looking at her phone.

"Have a good weekend." Says out teacher.

Nora bolts out of the room.

I take my time and walk out.


I look up and see Nathan, Nora's boyfriend, holding her wrist.

"Are we still up for Saturday?"

I sigh. I've pretty much liked Nora since Jr High. And now we are juniors.

I hear her answer him but I can't make out her exact words.

She leaves.

I walk over to my locker and put my books in.

"Kai. Get over here." I look and see Garret glaring at me.

"Oh no.."


I turn and take a deep breath. "Back off Garret. Just go away."

He practically growls at me. "What?!"

I take off running.

I hear him yell at his friends to follow.

I run to my car. I lock the door and start to car.

Garret bangs on my window just as I speed out of my parking spot.

I race down the road and stop at the corner.

"Oh gosh.."

I breath fast, sprinting to my car has me dying right now.

I pull into the park in the downtown area after driving for awhile.

I step and and breath in the fresh air, before I begin to walk on the trail.

"Quinn look! It's Kai, go talk to him!" I hear someone say.

I look over my shoulder to see Quinn, biggest idiot in the school. She's like a girl who takes no hints from a guy, and her little minion, Kim.

I walk faster.

"Kai!!" I hear Quinn say as if she singing.

I keep walking.


I turn around. "Quinn please go away."

She stops in her tracks and her face goes blank.

I turn back around and continue walking.

I pass by a playground and see a kid being pushed off the slide.

"Move it loser!" I hear the bigger kid say.

"Hey! That's no way to treat him!" I say.

The bigger kid looks at me then runs away.

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