Chapter 10

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It took Lincoln and me quite a bit of time to fully comprehend what had just happened. A strange old man by the name of Deavk the Lost had just told us we were in a land by the name of Ebony, where things such as magic and strange evil creatures existed.

I turned my head slowly, to look at Lincoln. "What in the world just happened?"

He looked at me for a second, trying to put his thoughts into words. "That. That just happened."

Obviously, he just as overwhelmed as I was. We sat there for a bit, not sure what to do. And then we heard Jimmy, shouting at the top of his lungs.

"WHERE ARE YOU TWO? I GOT A FIRE GOING, MAN!" His shout rang through the forest, and I could clearly picture Cali rolling her eyes as Jimmy celebrated.

Lincoln, now out of his daze,  grabbed my hand and began running towards Jimmy's voice, ready to tell them of our news.


"That's the craziest, stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life." Cali was rubbing her temple, laying against a tree. 

"What?! We're talking magic, here, Queen Cali the Strange. This has to be the best thing that's ever happened to me. Plus, how can you not believe it after everything that's happened to us? Our man Mr. Roads really hooked us up with this awesome place. What was it called again?" Jimmy asked.

"Ebony. And I think you're both right, in a way. All of this is crazy and highly unbelievable. But we got here, somehow. How can we not believe in what's right in front of our eyes?" I was on my back, looking up at the sky between the trees. Lincoln was adding wood to the fire that Jimmy had surprisingly figured out how to make. The smoke billowed up into the air and reminded me of the family camping trips we used to go on every year until I was ten. We stopped because of you, Lillian. You'd never stop complaining, and that just ticked Mom off.

"In the end, it doesn't matter right now. We have to talk about the serious issue we have on hand. Food. It's been nearly a day, and we haven't eaten anything collectively. It doesn't matter if magic is real in this place if we end up starving to death before we have a chance to see it."

"Right, right. Never fear my friends, for I have a plan." A devious smile was on Jimmy's face. "I know, we're all very hungry right now, and we've been drinking water from a shady creek I found. It's desperate. But my plan will save our butts."

"So, what is it?" I seemed to be the only one other than Jimmy to be excited about his genius idea. Lincoln seemed hesitant and Cali had her signature "I don't care" look on her face that she reserved for whenever a word came out of Jimmy's mouth.

"I made it while you guys were gone... I call it..." Jimmy paused for a second to create suspense. "Toasted bark!" Jimmy had about ten pieces of bark in his outstretched hands, and a huge smile plastered on his face.

"We. Are going. To Die." Cali groaned, putting her head in her hands.

"Uhh. It's the thought that counts, right?" I smiled halfheartedly, gingerly taking a piece of bark out of his hands.

"I think he's gone mad," Lincoln whispered loudly at me, laughing.

"Oh, cmon guys! I had a piece, they're not that bad." Jimmy sighed. "Who am I kidding? I don't think I'm going to be able to go to the bathroom for a week now." He dropped his bark strips on the ground, deflated.

"Maybe we should just keep moving. We're bound to find something in the forest. Or find a way out. We have to keep our spirits high." I encouraged.

"Right. Whatever, Mira. We'll follow you till we starve." Cali's voice was sarcastic.

"Yeah, Cali's right. We will! Mira for President!" Jimmy, ignoring Cali's sarcasm, began to chant. "Mira for Pres. Mira for Pres. She'll lead us to victory. And bananas, probably."

I couldn't help but laugh. Jimmy's jokes were getting worse and worse, the longer he went without food. Soon we were all laughing, and even Cali smiled a bit. 

Our spirits were high then. We knew barely anything of Ebony.  

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