Chapter 1

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The chilly fall wind kissed Eddies cheeks turning them a light shade of pink. He stood on the sidewalk outside of his house. His mother did not want him to go any farther than the torn up pavement that he was now nervously kicking pebbles off of. He was waiting for Richie, Richie Tozier a boy whom his mother absolutely despised. Of course she despised all the losers but specifically Richie. He never knew exactly why. Maybe it was his goofy personality because even that got on Eddies nerves every now and again.

The wind picked up a little and blew around Eddies dark brown hair that was slicked back but now was messy. He saw Richie on his bike in the distance and reached down into his right pocket where he kept his inhaler. As Richie got closer Eddie felt a little tingle in the pit of his stomach, he always did when Richie was around. And you bet it paranoid him thinking of every little disease and sickness that could feel like that. But then again whenever Richie was around Eddie somehow felt comfortable. Safe.

Richie came to a rough stop at the gravel pavement and gave Eddie a smug smile whilst getting off his bike.
"Well hiya Eddie Spaghetti I sure have missed ya!" He threw his arm around Eddies neck and proceeded to give Eddie a nuggi. "Don't call me Eddie Spaghetti!" Eddie nudged Richie away playfully. Richies over the top attitude was something Eddie would never get used to. Richie was always joking around or being loud and over dramatic in any way possible.

"So why'd you wanna see me today?" Richie said squinting at the sun that had just came through the clouds. "Am I not a loud to wanna see my friend every now and again?"
They were friends but Eddie found it strange that he didn't want the rest of the losers along.

"Ya know my ma doesn't want me to leave the house?" Eddie said looking at the ground still fidgeting with his inhaler. "Oh c'mon we can go down to the dam and we'll have you home before the stroke of dawn!" Eddie knew that was too late and his mom would kill him but she was asleep and all that would actually happen is a stern talking to from her.

Hesitant to go past the rocky pavement he grabbed his bike out of the wilted grass and was off.

They rode along Eddies street. Richie went on and on telling jokes from comedians he had heard off the old radio that he would sit and listen to by the dam. But Eddie was focused on the cold wind that whistled in his ear. They had been peddling for a few minutes when Eddie spotted something that made his heart stop and drop into his stomach as he passed the Wheelers house. He swerved and fell off his bike and slid on the pavement. He skinned his knees but didn't get up and he didn't look back cause he knew what he had seen. Something that had been terrorizing him for weeks. Something he had yet to name.

Authors note: This chapter was not the best but hopefully as the story goes on I will improve. But I hope you enjoyed it so far! ~Ray

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