Chapter 2

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     Richie stopped his bike and rushed to Eddies side. "Eds! Are you okay? What happened?" Richie had his hand on Eddies back and he was looking at his skinned knees with wide eyes. But Eddie didn't move he didn't even blink until Richie shook him a little. He placed his hand around Richies arm and looked him dead in the eyes and Richie saw something he'd never seen before. True terror.

     "Eddie! What is wrong? What's got you so spooked?" The nervous boy tried to say in a softer tone. "N-nothin don't worry about it." Eddie placed his hands on the cold pavement and hoisted himself up and got back on his bike. Richie sat in the same spot and didn't move for a second he was a curious and worried but he wasn't gonna make Eddie say anything he didn't wanna do he got back up and also retrieved his bike.

     The wind blew around the leaves and branches on the trees around a small clearing in the middle of the Barrens that the losers considered their hangout. They had created a small dam there together as well. All thanks to Ben the boy was a genius when it came to construction and being inventive.

     Eddie was sat on a log staring up at the sky focusing on the fact that the leaves were turning over when they weren't blowing around like crazy. He knew that meant it was gonna rain soon, but he didn't tell Richie.
Richie was sat on the dirt and leaf covered ground with a small portable radio on his lap. He was banging on it and repeating the words, "come on work you piece of shit ugh!" Which made Eddie crack a goofy smile and he started chuckling a bit. "Ayyy what are you laughin at I'm very fushtrated!" Eddie chuckled even louder at his bad pronunciation. Richie looked up away from the radio at Eddie with flushed cheeks and a little smile revealing his crooked teeth. "Jeez jerk face." Again they both laughed

    Eddie felt a drop of rain on his arm followed by another. "Richie we gotta go it's starting to rain." He stood up from the log. "What's a little rain gonna hurt?" Eddie crossed his arms. You do understand that rain is unclean and contains germs right? Think about all that nasty polluted air it falls through." Richie giggled and also stood up off the ground. "I used to run around bare ass naked in the rain and still do occasionally and I'm fine" He shrugged as Eddie face palmed. "I'm kidding I promise I don't do that anymore." He stuck his hands into his pockets and watched the disappointment spread across Eddies face.

     Out of no where rain started pouring down hard and Eddie began to freak out and he pulled off his sweater and held it above his head meanwhile Richie jumped around screaming. "Richie c'mon lets go!" Eddie yelled over the sound of the pouring rain. That's when Richie had the bright idea to literally fall face first into the thick watery mud and roll around. Eddie was disgusted at first but then noticed that Richie looked like he was having the time of his life in that mud puddle. So he did something he never thought he would. He threw his sweater on the ground and jumped into the puddle he was just standing in it at first until Richie got up and tackled him and they made a huge splash.

     Eddie was sure it was raining even harder now. "EDDIE FINALLY GOT DIRTY WOOHOO!" Richie cheered. Eddie began getting paranoid thinking about the mud and what was in it but the delight on Richies mud splattered face took that feeling away. "HOW CAN YOU EVEN SEE WITH ALL THAT MUD ON YOUR GLASSES!" It was necessary to yell over the rain which was coming down like cats and dogs. "I CANT HAHA," Eddie swore that was he cutest laugh he'd ever heard in his life and noticed that Richie looked cute even covered in mud. They both splashed around for a good half hour Eddie sat back admiring Richie still splashing around in the mud. Eddie stood and looked up at the sky and spread his arms out and let the rain wash off some of the mud Richie saw him and did the same. They were lucky they did at that time because the rain started slowing down.

     Once out of the mud and on a slab of gravel that was buried under years of dirt and trash from Derry residents Richie went on and on about how cool it was that Eddie actually played in the mud. But Eddie regretted it with every inch of his being. "I just had the time of my life!" Richie declared. "Can we go now I need to shower immediately." Richie gave him a small smile. "It's barely 7." He said checking his watch but noticed that Eddie looked very uncomfortable so he agreed that they should leave.

    As they peddled down the a Derry back road Eddie began to think of earlier when he saw. It. But was quickly distracted when he glanced over at Richie. His hair was matted with mud and basically so was his entire body but the sun shone down on his face and face and Eddies stomach tingled. Richie noticed he was staring and looked over at him and his cheeks flushed.

    Richie had a crush on Eddie and he never tried to tell himself he didn't. Of course this was something he kept quit being gay in Derry was not something you wanted to be but he knew his feelings were very real. He tried to keep them hidden as well as he could.

    They both rode a long in silence as Eddies thoughts wandered to terrifying nightmares from the past and Richie thought of how perfect the little time they had just spent together had been. The wind kissed his mud stained cheeks and he smiled.

Authors note: this chapter was pretty long and cringy so sorry for that but I hope you somewhat enjoyed it also I'm slowly getting into the story so that's why things aren't very interesting yet♥️ ~Ray

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