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Well, Newt was in trouble. By the way Rose stormed off to him, I'm guessing she was going to give him a good talking to.

Teresa stared up at me from her spot on the sandy undergrowth, children draped in her loving arms that I couldn't help wishing were holding me instead of them. "Thomas. Here." She handed me Ttéo as I stared at her. She was a perfect mother in the making.

He looked at me with wide eyes and I couldn't help but trim his cheek and tickle his nose, making his little laughter fill the air. Everyone laughed as they heard his giggles. I think I was starting to like my kid. "Thomas, I got something to tell you. Promise to not freak out like you did when I told you that Terena and Ttéo were yours?" Why would I freak out?

"Sure, I promise." She cleared her throat as she began to explain.

"Well, it's been about four months now since we left from that place - I haven't exactly been well recently and I just worked out what it was. Well, I have been thinking for a while now and I already knew weeks ago but didn't say.

It's been four months and I have thrown up just about every single day about a week after we left. And then there's the way I haven't had a period in those four months. It's to do with this illness. I haven't exactly been getting any thinner either. And don't say you haven't noticed." Now that she pointed it out, she had been putting a bit of weight on.

"I'm pregnant, Thomas. I'm pregnant again." Shit I was one dumbass boyfriend. I don't even notice when my girlfriend is pregnant.

Little had we known that everyone else had been listening to our conversation as gasps of shock and awe filled the space. Poop.

"You have to tell Rose before any of these shucks tell her." Gally interrupted my thoughts - she wouldn't be happy if someone told her before either me of Teresa.

I was about to go into territory which no other man had ever conquered. I was going to tell my little sister about what me and Teresa did in our spare time.

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