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I could tell that Aria had died just by the way that Minho was holding himself - but I couldn't let that distract me. Teresa was having this baby.

"Teresa, I want you to try and push for me. Okay?" She nodded as a scream escaped from her mouth once again. "Three, two, one....push!" The scream only escalated in volume as she let go. "Again. Three, two, one...PUSH!" I could see the head now as I peeked under the sheet covering her vagina.

"Rose.........she's suffocating! It's.....its....too early." Teresa got out in between pants and moans.

"I know. But she needs to come out. Three, two, one....PUSH!" Thomas came beside Teresa and held her hand - a bad thing to do with someone who's in labour. I could hear his bones crunching as she squeezed.

Newt crouched beside me and helped me to gather cleaner sheets for when the baby came out. "Okay, Teresa. I need you to do one last push for me. Three...two...one....PUSH!" Teresa became a banshee within a split second - the scream was deafening as the baby landed into the pile of scratchy sheets.

It didn't cry, or move.

Thomas noticed the puzzled look on mine and Newt's face. He also noticed the look we gave each other. "Let me see!" He pushed past and grabbed the baby. "No! Not another death!" He tried to give it mouth to mouth and tried to get its heart pumping - nothing seemed to work. Teresa looked on in anguish as blood carried on coming from her vagina. She reached for the child and kissed its forehead.

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