"How did y'all meet?"

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???:Hey beautiful

BJ: What's up Prince?

Princeton:Wanna hang out today?

BJ:Can I bring Bri?

Princeton: Yeah. Ray's been blowing up her phone as of late

BJ: Oh I know. I've looked through it

Princeton: Great! Do I need to pick you up?

BJ:No, Bri has a car.

Princeton:Well bye. I'll see you when you get here.

When I ended the call I rolled out of bed landing on my butt. When I got up, I grabbed a towel picked out my clothes and went to the bathroom. I got out and put on some sweats a black t-shirt and some black Chuck Taylor's.

Bri: Hello?

BJ: Hey Bri

Bri: Hey girl what's up?

BJ: Wanna go to the guys' house today?

Bri: Sure! I miss my Ray Ray

BJ: *rolls her eyes* Come pick me up and we'll drive over there

Bri: Ok. Be there in five.

I went downstairs to find a letter on the kitchen counter.

Dear Bianca,

Your father and I are gonna be spending a week in Florida. It's for your aunt Frida's wedding and we know you don't like her. Sorry we didn't tell you this sooner, we just forgot. I hope you can have Bri over for company or go over to Jacob's house. See you in a week.


Your Parents

"It's just BJ!" I shouted even though no was there. DING! DONG! I went to open the door only for Bri to drag me out. "Wait I need my phone!" I exclaimed making her release her death grip. "Well hurry up! My Ray Ray misses me!" she snapped making me give her the stink face. I quickly grabbed my phone and hopped in the car before she could drag me out again.

When we made it to the house, Bri ran in leaving the engine running and me locked in the car. I just shook my head taking the key out and locking the car behind me. KNOCK! KNOCK! "BJ!" Prince shouted picking me up and spinning me around. Bri started eyeing us suspiciously. "Oh shut up!" I said playfully pushing her, when Prince set me down. "I didn't even say anything." she stated putting her hands up in surrender. We went into the living to find the rest playing on the XBOX like always. "Can't y'all do anything else in your free time?" Bri asked putting her hands on her hips and shaking her head. "BRI!!!!" Ray screamed getting up and tackling her to the ground. We sat down on the couch after Ray got off of Bri and just watched them play for a little bit. After about 30 minutes they paused the game and turned their attention towards me and Prince. "What?" we asked in unison. "How exactly did you guys meet? You know in elementary school?" Roc asked making us look at each other and smile. We sat at the edge of the couch while the others scooted closer. "Wanna tell them or should I?" Prince asked. "I will." I answered clearing my throat. "It all started....."

How It All StartedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora