Chapter Three: The City

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  "Okay, everyone going to the city up." I heard Glenn call the sun barely in the sky. "Get breakfast grab your weapons and let's get going."
     "Good morning." Dale called from on top of his R.V.
"Morning." I waved at him. "Okay Nani I want you to carry your rifle around and help protect the camp. I'm going to take my bow and shotgun."
"Okay be safe." She said placing her hand on my arm.
"Hey Nani we wouldn't mind another if you're up for it." Glenn called to her. And as he did Lilo got up and wrapped her arms and legs around one of Nani's legs so she couldn't move. I let a snort.
"Um no I think I'll just stay here and help do stuff around the camp, if that's okay."
"Yeah that's fine you look like you have your hands full." Glenn replied with a wink.
     Lilo let go and ran after Carl.
"Be careful, okay?" I heard Nani whisper. I turned around to see her talking with T-Dog. I wonder if Ramona is crushing on someone here.
       "They're disgusting." I heard Ramona next to me. We look at each other. "Lilo and Nani off chasing boys while the dead are eating the living."
"I think Lilo's is kinda cute I mean what else is she going to do?"
"Good point. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go hide somewhere so I don't get put on babysitting duty again." I couldn't help but laugh.
"Be careful."
"I'm always careful she said turning around to look at me while walking. She ran into younger Dixon and fell to the ground.
"Yup always careful you are." I teased. 
"Oh shut up!"
     I pulled my hair up into a braid while Glenn lectured us about today.
"You will listen to everything I say, I have made this trip countless of times and I know the city inside and out okay?" We nodded expect for Dixon.
"Like I'm gonna listen to-"
"Merle how bout you make this easy for use and keep your fucking mouth shut." I yelled at him earning a high five from Andrea and a glare from Merle.
"Only grab what we need food, water, weapons, and ammo. Okay let's move out."
        "Okay, Lilly you're going to cover me as make a run to the truck then I'll cover you. Don't run until I signal you. Got it?" Glenn said everyone else had already made it to the other side. I nodded. He counted on his fingers and mouthed one...two...three and he run. None of the walkers took any notice to him. He got there safe and sound.
      I nodded at him and he nodded back I run as fast be as quietly as I could stabbing a walker in the head that almost got me.
     "You good?" Andrea said when I arrived.
"Yeah, let's go." We sneaked up to the store looking through the windows to see if there was too many walkers for us to take on.
    "Weapons up, follow me." Glenn instructed. Everyone has done what Glenn has said the moment we left the camp even Merle.
      I had my bow ready considering it was quite unlike my gun. We cleaned the store and got what we needed no problems at all. There was a gun store down the block a little. We creeped until we were at the door of the store it had four maybe five walkers we could see. None paying us any notice.
      If we could open the door enough so I could get them with my bow we wouldn't have to worry about dealing with them with our guns.
     "Glenn I can get them with my bow from out here."
"Okay, I'll open the door you get them, we go in and make sure there's no more. Understand?" We shook our heads for like the hundredth time today and T-dog opened the door. I shot all the walkers reloaded and snuck in. We looked around and it was cleared we grabbed anything that was left then we gathered by the door.
       "Okay we got here got the supplies now all we have to do is get out, ready?" Glenn asked. "Okay follow me don't make any sounds, don't bother with the geeks unless they're attacking you. Lily I want you right next to me with your bow locked and loaded."
"Yes sir, let's go." I responded.
     We had almost made it. We were so close to having no incidents but then we heard it. A gunshot. Someone fired a gun in the city. The city that is full of geeks that are attracted by sound. We're lunch.
      "Into the clothing store I said." Pointing at a store we took refuge in when we first got here. They listen. It was chaos. Everyone was running. But the geeks came on strong. They just all appeared from the depths of hell right in front of our faces. "Shit. Shit. Shit." I busted the door open and everyone got inside.
     "Where the hell did Glenn go?!" I asked looking around to find the Asian boy gone. I ripped the walkie out of Morales hand. "Glenn do copy? Glenn?"
"I'm okay. I climbed on a fire escape when we got separated. I see the guy who fired the gun he's in a tank surrounded."
"Yeah that's great, can you get back here or do we need to find a way to rescue you?"
"No I'm going to help him and then I can get to you guys."
"You're going to help that idiot?!" Andrea yelled.
"Yeah he's the reason you're sitting on a fire escape right now." T-Dog agreed with Andrea.
"I say we leave both of 'em for the geeks and get the hell out of here."
"We're not leaving Glenn." I said. "Glenn don't get yourself killed over this dumbass." I say. No responses. "Glenn?"
"Be ready to open the doors."
"Okay you heard him let's go." We found some body armor and Morales and T-Dog put it them on since we only had two. 
"Okay we're coming." Glenn said through the walkie.
"They're coming." I yelled to the boys. Andrea, Jacqui, and I waited behind the second set of doors ready with our guns. And Merle was God knows where. Probably causing more trouble for us. Glenn and the dumbass came running in. T-Dog and Morales beat the shit out of a couple geeks that came in and they ran for the second door. Jacqui and me closed the doors behind them.
     Andrea put her gun up to Mr. Dumbasses head. "Son of bitch I'm going to kill you"
"Just chill out Andrea, back off." Morales said.
"Come on ease up." Jacqui jumped in.
"Ease up? You're kidding me, right? We're because of this stupid asshole." Andrea said not putting her gun down.
Morales comes in again. "Andrea, I said back the hell off." After a moment he said. "Well pull the trigger." She put the gun down.
"We're dead, all of us because of you." She said looking like she was going to cry.
     "I don't understand." Mr. no wait Officer Dumbass said.
"Look, we came into the city to scavenge supplies." Morales said. "You know what the key to scavenging is? Surviving! You know what the key to surviving? Sneaking in and out, tiptoeing." We were walking to the main part of the store Morales pushing Officers Dumbass along. "Not shooting up the streets like it's the O.K. Corral."
     "Yeah Officer Dumbass you just went into the streets and started calling the geeks for lunch. Proud of that?" I said to him.
"First off my name is Rick-"
"Oh shut up. Every geek for miles around heard you popping off rounds." T-Dog said.
"You just rang the dinner bell." Andrea told him.
"Get the picture now?" Morales asked him. "Oh god." The geeks were up on the doors to the store. We're trapped.
"What are we going to do now?" Bang. Bang.
"Oh no." Morales said first.
"Is that Dixon?" Andrea asked.
"That's Dixon." I answered.
"What's that maniac doing now?" T-Dog asked.
"Come on, let's go." Glenn instructed running to the staircase that lead to the roof.
      And there he was using geeks a target practice from the roof. Dumbass was wasting bullets we don't even have.
   "What the hell?" I scream. I mean everyone was shouting at him.
"Hey, Dixon you crazy?" Morales yelled.
"Haha. Y'all be more polite to a man with a gun! Huh? It's only common sense."
"Oh come on man, you're wasting ammo we don't even got." T-Dog shouted at him.
"And you're bringing more of them down on your ass. Man, just chill." T-Dog said to him.
"Bad enough I got this taco-bender on my ass all day! Now I've got to take orders from you? I don't think so, bro." Dixon replied walking to meet us. "That'll be the day."
"'That'll be the day'? You got something you want to tell me?"
"Hey, T-Dog just leave it man." Glenn said.
"It's not worth it." I said.
"Now Merle, just relaxe? We've got enough trouble." Said Glenn.
"You want to know the day?" Jesus Christ can't he keep his mouth shut for once?
"Yeah." Ugh T-Dog too.
"I'll tell you the day, Mr. 'Yo', it's the day I take orders from a nigger." Oh my God. All hell is going to break loss.
"Mother." T-Dog punched Dixon in the jaw. He deserved it.
"Hey come on Merle." Morales says. Well the two guys start to fight.
"That's enough." Glenn yells.
"Come on, Dixon." Says Andrea. Merle was beating the shit out of T-Dog. Everyone was shouting at him to but he just kept going. The this crazy-ass son of a bitch pulls a gun right to T-Dogs face.
      "Mm, alright we gonna have ourselves a little pow-wow. Talk about who's in charge. I vote me. Anyone else? Democracy time folks. Show of hands." He's crazy to think anyone would appoint him leader. "All in favor? Huh? Come on. All in favor?" Then Jacque, Glenn and Andrea raised their hands. "That's good. Anyone else?" Then Rick jumped him and handcuffed him to a pipe.
    "Who the hell are you?"
"Officer Friendly. Look here Merle things are different now there are no niggers anymore. No more dumb as shit inbred white trash fool's either. Only dark meat and white meat." Man, he was redeeming himself. "There's us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together not apart."
"Screw you man."
"I can see you making a habit of missin' the point."
"Yeah? Well screw you twice." Then Rick put the gun to his head.
"Ought to be more polite to the man with a gun. Only common sense."
"You wouldn't. You're a cop."
"All I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son. And if anyone gets in the way of that it's going to lose. I'll give you a moment to think about that." And he walked away and Morales followed.
"God it's like time square down there." Andrea said looking down.
"How's that signal?" Rick asked.
"Like Dixon's brain, weak." Morales replied. They were all talking about getting out and Merle was 'flirting' with Andrea.
     We walked down to where the basement was and Glenn about how he's never gone down there and he wants Rick, Andrea, and me to go to the front of the store to keep an eye on the walkers. I'm over this whole trip.
        We walk to the main part of the store where the walkers are slowly breaking through the glass.
"Lilo was right I should have stayed." I say looking at the place the groans and growls are coming from.
      "Who?" Rick asked following my gaze. 
"My baby sister." I say turning away.
"Well, I'm going to make sure you get back to her."  I smiled at him.
"Thank you."
"Of course."
        "Sorry for the gun in your face." Andrea said.
"People do things when they're afraid."
"I mean it wasn't completely uncalled for you did get us into this."
"If I get us out does that make up for it?" He asked her.
"No but it'll be a start."
        I walked away from them to a place with jewelry. There was a bracket that was just a thin gold chain with a dragon in the middle. I took it off the mannequin arm and shoved it into the pocket with the pictures. There was a loud crashing sound. I look over and the walkers broke through the first set of doors.
     "Fuck," I said. "What the hell are we gonna do?"
"Are there sewers?"
"Yup. But we can't get out."
"Okay I have an idea." Rick ran to the warehouse part and they all went outside and came back with a walker body.
         "I don't think this is a good idea." I say.
"Well it's the only one we got." Rick says I had covered him in walker guts.
        "This is disgusting." Says Glenn looking on the verge of throwing up.
"Think about... puppies and kittens." Rick said.
"Dead puppies and kittens." Says T-Dog. Poor Glenn's throws up.
"Excuse me." I started walking away before I threw up too. Andrea said something I couldn't quite get. Then Jacque said something to Rick. But then.
     "Shit." Everything I had for breakfast came up.
"Are you okay?" Andrea called.
"Fine. Just the smell is too much."  Rick gave T-Dog the key to the handcuffs and him and Glenn went out into the city.  We walked up stairs to keep an eye on them from the roof, not much good it will do anyway. T-Dog sat down across from
Merle and I sat next to him.
    "You okay?"  He asked.
"Yeah. Just see other people throw makes me gag and with the geek guts throw in. It just came up." The others were talking to Glenn and Rick with the walkie. Then rain started to pour down. The smell was going to wash off of them.
         "Welp they're fucked." Everyone looked at me. "What?! It's the truth. And we are too."
"We can't think like that we have to have hope that we'll get out of this." Morales whispered to me.
"The only hope I have is that Nani can take care of Romana and Lilo once I'm dead."
"They'll be okay. It's us we have to worry about right now." Andrea said slumping down next to me.
"Where are they going?" Jacques said.
       "What!?" I stood up. The truck was pulling out of the city. "They're leaving us?! No they can't! We shouldn't have trusted that guy!" I was yelling now.
"What are we going to do?" T-Dog asked. Andrea hasn't moved. She just sat there tears rolling down her face. I dropped down where I was previously. Giving up. We're stuck here and there's no way out now.
       The rain let up. After a few minutes. Not that it mattered we're dead anyway.

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