Chapter Four: Stuck

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  "Any ideas?" I asked
"For?" T-Dog said looking at me.
"For getting out of here, living a little longer, dying faster so we don't get painfully devoured by geeks that are going to break through that glasses door any minute." They all looked at me.
"You're not helping." Andrea told me.
"Just trying to make our last day on earth a little more enjoyable."
"Seriously not helping." I shrugged.
"But seriously are we going to do something. Or are we just going to sit here and wait to die?"
"I-" Morales started. But then there was static.
"Hello. It's Rick." Everyone sighed in relief. They didn't leave us after all. "Meet me down by the loading door. I'll be there soon." Everyone grabbed everything and started running down the stairs not even giving a second thought and leaving Dixon handcuffed to a pipe yelling at us. But we just ran to the door.
      "Where's T-Dog?" I said once we got to the door and he wasn't there.
"Wait for me! I'm coming! Wait!" T-Dog was screaming running as fast as he could to get to us. We started pulling the door open with the rope. Much to our delight Rick was there with the truck back door open yelling for us to hurry.
      We all hurried to get in as the geeks were closing in on us. We got in and got the door shut.
"I dropped the damn key." T-Dog said breaking the silence.
"It was only Dixon." I say putting my arms and head on my knees.
"Where's Glenn?" Andrea asked.
"Woooah." A red car drove by with the alarm going crazy.
"There." I said nodding my head to the car speeding ahead of us.
"Least someone's having a good day." Morales said in the front seat. We sat in silence the rest of the way back to camp.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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