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The wait was long and hot, I was sat in the car on my way to the raptor paddock at the other side of Isla Nublar. As I stared at the palm trees in the sun I was wondering why I'd been picked for the job in the first place, it's not like I was an expert in security. I wonder what this Owen guy might be like but stop myself, knowing I'm not going to get anywhere with him because I barely know him and chose this job on a whim. Although I do have a decent understanding of dinosaurs and palaeontology in general. Outside the window I could see birds and insects zooming past the black car and wondered how having dinosaurs on the island might impact the ecosystem. I was getting more and more wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't notice that we'd pulled over.
"Here." The chauffeur said gruffly, holding his hand out to me.
"Right, thanks. There." As I paid him and left the car.

I look to my left and see the long winding road sheltered by a mass of trees, the sun is harsh and the skies blue. I turn around and notice Claire talking to Owen Grady a few meters away.
"(y/n)! Over here." She waves to me as I stride towards them.
"Hi Claire." I hug her and turn to face Owen. He's a little taller than me and a lot hotter in person. I stand like an idiot, looking at him for about five seconds before snapping out of it.
"Oh, uh. Hi, nice to meet you, Owen." I shake his hand.
"You too, (y/n)."
"So, you two will start with the electric fences and the gate and Masrani, Barry and I will check out the walkway, feeders and security." Claire says.
"If either of you need or spot anything, call us on this radio transmitter. Okay?"
"Yeah, that should be fine. How about you (y/n)?"
"Yeah, sure. I'm ready." I breathe, shielding my eyes from the sun.
"Great, I'll see you later."
"Bye, Claire." Owen waves.
"Okay, Let's go, (y/n)."

"This side's fence is secure and working!" Owen calls.
The midday sun is bearing down on us, and we are starting to feel the effects of being out in the heat during summer on a tropical island.
"Same over here."
Owen walks over to me and we walk down the stairs by the side of the paddock and go round to the front to cool off.
"So, been here long?" He asks me.
"A few months. You?"
"About the same, almost a year. Trust me, seeing these creatures doesn't get old."
"What kind of raptors stay in this paddock?"
"Velociraptors, I'm pretty sure."
"Really? These raptors are almost two meters tall. A Velociraptor was just about scratched half a meter. It's seems much more likely that these would be a species of Utahraptor, which is much more aggressive." I point out.
"I guess that'd make sense. Last time I checked, the genetic code used to construct theses dinosaurs isn't full or complete or something. So they use DNA from other species to fill the gaps."
"So basically, all they've done is get a bit of incomplete dinosaur DNA, combine it with other creatures which effectively makes some kind of hybrid. And then they brand it as an attraction to the public, naming it 'Velociraptor', not even knowing what it is."
"Look, (y/n). I get you on most of your points... I think... but you're probably overthinking it a little." Owen gently states.
"Yeah, you're right" I sigh.
"You seem to know a fair bit about dinosaurs, any chance you work in the science department with Claire?" Owen asks.
"Oh no, I don't know that much really. I just feed the herbivores here."
"What? No way! You're so smart though! They don't know what they're missing."
"Aw, thanks!" I smile.
Owen pats me on the back
"No problem, you seem like a good guy."

By 2pm the sun was blazing like I'd never seen before. Owen and I had just finished checking the fence and we moved on the the gate.
"Jesus, it's so hot!" Owen sighs, walking across the road.
"God I know, I'd kill for a drink right now."
Owen started to slow down as we walked. I turn around to check what's going on and I see him taking his sweaty shirt off, his abs glistening in the sun, muscles flexing. He wipes his brow, squinting from the sunlight and looking at me. I realise that I'm staring so I quickly turn away from him.
"You okay, (y/n)? You're pretty red."
"Oh, uh... No, I'm fine. Just thing we might want to take a break for a moment and sit down."
"Sure thing." He agrees.
We walk to the bench by the road under a palm tree to sit down.
"Phew, it's way too hot." I say, trying to make small talk.
"Yeah, it is."
"So, do you work out often?"
"What makes you say that?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Well you, uh... Your muscles and, all that. You know?" I stutter, caught off guard.
"Well thanks, I do try to keep in shape."
He turns to me and looks up and down
"You're not too bad yourself. Not bad at all." He grins.
I look away, scratching my head and trying not to blush.
"Uh, thanks."
I glance up back to the paddock and see a man with multiple bodyguards walking along the wall.
"Who's that?" I ask, pointing at him.
Owen looks to where I point and scowls.
"That's Hoskins. He works for InGen. And I'm also pretty sure he's got an ulterior motive for the raptors."
"Yeah, he seems sketchy."
"He is."
I stand up from the bench and pick up some of my things.
"Since the job's done I should probably head home." I say.
"Yeah right, thanks for the help."
"No problem. We should talk again sometime."
"Good idea. See you soon then!" He smiles, pulling me into a hug against his muscular body.
"See you!" I wave as I walk to the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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