Stay Away

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Travis's POV

I looked at Zane who was currently still sleeping. I combed my fingers through his hair while he lightly whistle-snored. He looked adorable while the light sun rays hit his face and hair. I want to stay and sit by him till he wakes up but I have a date with Katelyn in 30 minutes that she wouldn't let me cancel. I will just have to enjoy this while it lasts.

I grabbed the end of the blanket and snuggled into his arms replacing the pillow I put there earlier with myself. I also put an alarm on my phone so that I wouldn't oversleep but I made the volume low so Zane wouldn't wake up. I'm not too heavy of a sleeper anyway. I didn't want to ruin our moment by telling him I have a date that is not with him but my mind filled with anguish. Soon enough my eyelids bailed on me like they did last night and I drifted to sleep.

*Alarm goes off* I fluttered my eyes open remembering where I was and what I had to do. I grabbed my coat and wallet then again replaced myself with a pillow for Zane. I ran out to my car and started to drive off to the resturant. Hopefully Katelyn wasn't waiting there about to burst with anger.
Zane's POV

I woke up with a pillow in my arms realizing Travis wasn't here anymore. I looked at the time and noticed it was 9:30 no wonder why he left it was a little late in the morning to be sleeping.

I guess even though he seemed to be distancing himself from me he has empathy. This felt like a Cinderella movie in one day he fell in lo.... Er liked me... In one day he liked me. I am still shy at admitting I have feelings for people so you can't blame me.

I ate breakfast then watched a episode of my little pony (and secretly played with ponies myself then watched more episodes) I looked at the time it was already 12:33! I decided to take a bath and then after I will go to the park.

I took my awfully long bath then started to take a stroll outside. While walking I saw Travis looking quite dashingly handsome for a man who just left my house after taking a nap around an hour ago. Which seemed fishy to me. Next I made one of the worst choices I have ever made in my life.

I looked to the side of him. There was Katelyn in a short blue flower dress and she even wore baby blue heels matching her dress. She kissed him on the lips leaving a little red lipstick on his lips.

After entering the car, after a while they seem to walk out into her house together. I was in awe I couldn't even get my brain to process what happened or get my muscles to move. I just stood there waiting till he came out. If he would. But luckily 9 minutes later he came out with his clothes wrinkled and wonky and his hair frizzy. He ran to his house so I decided to go home too.

When I got home my throat hurt from trying so hard not to cry. But I ended up crying anyways. I stopped when I heard the doorbell ring. Somebody then rushed in. It was Travis but he changed into his normal outfit and fixed his hair.

He looked worried and said "Why are your eyes puffy and red what happened while I was gone?"

I got angry and mostly screamed at him not meaning to "Well what happened while I was gone huh?" He looked confused "I saw you make out with Katelyn then come out 9 minutes later."

He frowned "We didn't do any-" He stopped himself knowing he was lying "Ok that was a lie but I am sorry." He said rubbing the back of his neck. I was feeling my emotions boil but in the back of my mind I knew what I was wondering. What happened?

I pointed to the door blind with rage unable to find the answers "GET OUT AND DON'T COME BACK!" I said while yelling but sounding sad and like I was crying. Travis frowned then hugged me tightly. I pushed him off and started to cry a little. "GET OUT please" I said yelling but sobbing at the please part I sounded like I was pleading while saying please.

"No." Travis said.

"GET OUT!" I frowned. "You made me think you liked me only to go out and do stuff with Katelyn!"

"I quickly realized it was wrong and pushed her off!" He said.

"You didn't seem in a hurry to get out like you say." I mean if he was telling the truth why was he in there for 9 minutes?

I pushed him out and slid down slowly on to the floor in front of my door and sobbed while running my fingers through my hair. I usually never cried so much in one day, I usually never cried at all. I then decided to call Garroth and tell him everything  from the beginning about me and Travis.
Travis's POV

I paced back and forth till I heard a knock on my door maybe it is Zane. I opened the door to see Garroth who came back from his walk quite fast. "I forbid you." He yelled strictly.

I laughed jokingly "forbid me from what eating your leftovers? Dude I said I was sorry."


My eyes widened as he walked off then he turned around.

"And if you don't you won't like the things I tell Zane that will make him stay away from you." He walked off like a boss leaving me with a throbbing throat trying not to sob as my brain tried to process the stab I felt in my heart.

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