♡00♡ Prelude to the starting stage

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"So, everyone, once again..." The green star of Team Ootori, Hoshitani Yuuta started off the first sentence of the story. 

Sitting around the circular tea table of Hoshitani's and Nayuki's room, Team Ootori were just chilling and hanging around. 

"Happy New Year!" The boys all greeted one another with a smile before they all ended up laughing. 

"Hey, you guys started without me. Rude much?" The heroine of the story, Kakushita Tsukuyo, wasn't too impressed; her kindness of getting snacks for the guys rewarded her with the guys starting without her. She put the tray of snacks on the table for them and she gave them her best smile, "Happy New Year, count on me this year too." 

Team Ootori raked in points from the audience during the Ayanagi Festival, so they were accepted by the Musical Department. Tsukuyo and her bandmates on the other hand, they were accepted by the Instrumental Department, things will be busy for both sides once they get the 3rd year's graduation sorted out as well as becoming 2nd year students. 

"And you..." She sat next to Tengenji, allowing him to pull her close to him. "Take care of me this year." 

"Leave it to me." Tengenji kissed the side of her head with affection, happy to have her by his side. "By the way, you're involved in Hoshitani's plan too."

"Why do I have to do it too?" 

"Because if I have to do it, I want you to be there and do it with me too." 


"Then it's settled! I'm going to the bathroom." 

"You can't solve this problem by eating shit, Kakeru." 

"Pfft...!" The others had to look away from Tengenji and Tsukuyo, stifling their laughter in case Tengenji flips. 

"Quit that!" Tengenji was being trolled for sure! 

Speaking of problems, she knew the team was trying to get Ootori to come back to the Kao council. They wanted to perform on stage for their team leader, a last farewell gift for him just before he went off to college. She wanted to help them out too, but so far she doesn't have anything in mind to help them.

'I tried to speak to Ootori-senpai, but he doesn't have any intentions of coming back for the time being. What is that guy thinking anyway?' Tsukuyo thought, eyes focused on the boys still discussing about their plan to make the remaining Kao council members believe they have changed their image for forgiveness.

She looked outside the glass door and she smiled, 'A new chapter is about to start...' 


"Hahaha..." Tsukuyo couldn't stop laughing at them because they looked like nerds. "I am dating a nerd." From her point of view, Tengenji looked so much more orderly than ever, shirts all tucked in and everything. It wasn't just him, the other four looked way different from their usual look. They're trying too hard to build a new image from their natural selves! "Hey, when was the last time you guys ran anywhere? I mean with your actual legs, not by pressing 'X'?" They all reminded her of the kind of nerds who were cooped in their room and playing games all day without a single bit of light entering the room.

"Please refrain yourself from laughing at your boyfriend, my dearest Tsukuyo." Tengenji said with a polite smile.

"You're being too polite." She just saw the way he dealt with people trying to interview him without permission. It was weird to see him this polite, he would usually be loud and flip out by now. "You're scaring me." 

♡Tsukihana♡Tengenji Kakeru♡Starmyu♡Where stories live. Discover now